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VueScan makes me cry on LS 8000 ED

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My last hope is that somebody got through that and will help. Scanning on

Coolscan LS 8000 ED I was not satisfied with Nikon scan software so

following some investigation I purchased professional version of VueScan,

version 8.0. However, I was never able to scan more than the first frame, from

some reasons I could not setup the software to understand that there are 3

frames even introducing frame offset, spacing between frames. Even trying to

cheat the software introducing 58 x 180 mm frame size it always scan 1.5

frames and no more. I downloaded the last version 8.1.9 in hope that bug will

be fixed but NO! I 'm fighting the same troubles again. If the output quality of

VueScan scans will be similar to that from Nikon Scan I will let it be, but what

drives me mad is that Vuescan output is far better than Nikon software and I

would like to make it do what one will expect from - recognize at least how

much frames are on the strip. Somebody can help? Maybe there is something

very simple I overlooked or I just don't know. Thank you in advance.

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It's not quite that simple. (Or wasn't when I tried it, which is getting to be a long time ago.) You have to manually set up the frame positions and sizes in advance and then select the frame. But that only works for two frames, so you have to manually set the frame position for at least the third frame, if not all of them. And it doesn't help that the meanings of the values used to set the frame positions are not documented. (I seem to recall that I figured it out, but I gave up and went back to Nikonscan almost immediately.)


It's not really a bug in Vuescan: the scanner itself can only scan 56x83mm at a time at full resolution, so you have to specify the frame start position and length. I suppose it would be nice if Vuescan supported having four frame position/size pairs.


By the way, how is Vuescan better? I've been perfectly happy with Nikonscan.

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You might want to post this query in the comp.periphs.scanners newsgroup -- http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&group=comp.periphs.scanners -- which gets lots of traffic from scanning buffs. Vuescan author Ed Hamrick also posts here, although there's no guarantee that he'll respond to you personally.


For anything related to Vuescan, that's where I'd go first.

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Your problem is normal. If you are trying to batch scan all three frames (I'm assuming you are scanning 6x6), you are out of luck. But if your goal is to scan individual frames separately, this is possible with some effort. If you email me I can send you my .ini files with workable offset and spacing information for scanning 6x6 with the 8000 ED.
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Dear friends,

Thank you to all of you for attempt to help. I will try everything what was suggested. Answering a question why in my opinion is the Vuescan better than Nikonscan? I tried several pairs scanned both in VueScan and Nikonscan programs and I have to admit that these scanned in VueScan were close to almost 100% of the original colors of my slides, I find VueScan color rendition just as an originals. Nikonscan at least on my scanner and screen is showing slight shift to magenta and I have to fix that on almost every slide I?m scanning. I using Mac G4 2x450MHz, 1 GB Ram. I tried everything, color sync utility, scanner calibration, including I got through manual setting of the monitor profile - nothing help. When I use VueScan it is just coming out as it is on the slide.

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