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Why photo submitted for critique photo not showed in the gallery page?

domenico rota

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I am member of the photo net comunity but my photo arent showed on

the gallery when I submit for critique....


I'm new and don't know if it's a bug or it's a maximum number of

photo per month or week that have to follow.


Looking at the rules I did not see anithing about this aspect.

Please if someone have the same problem or someone know the reason,

reply in this thred.


Regards, Domenico.

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Jeff it is for photo net patron to have their photo on the gallery page when a photo is submitted since 3 weeks ago it worked also for me, but after few photo now no photo is displayed....


also if anyone Hero or administrator can solve this little problem it's appreciated.



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Hi Domenico,


Probably your photo is being shown on the Gallery page. You might not be catching it. The Gallery page shows the most recent photo submitted by a subscriber for critique. *BUT* it only determines which photo is "latest" once every few minutes. So, if you are submitting your photos for critique when it is busy, you might miss the "bus" so to speak. That is, when you submit the photo for critique, some other subscriber's photo might still be the one shown because the server hasn't figured out yet that your's is the latest, and won't do so for a few more minutes. But by the time it gets around to determining "the latest" again, some other subscriber might submit his photo, and your photo might not be the latest any longer. To make matters more complicated, we have altoghether 10 different servers, and each one of them is on its own cycle. So, your photo might be "the latest subscriber photo" on some of them, but not on others, and if you were unlucky you might not hit the right server and see your photo "in lights", even though other people would.


Sorry for all the complications, which are there to keep the performance of the server up. But your photos probably are getting their few minutes of being highlighted but their proud parent might not actually catch the moment.

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Thank You brian for the exhaustive explanation of the servers and the bus like situation of the photo, I think it's true, but I remember few weeks ago it worked in another way: the photo showed was the latest photo of a patron, if no other patron post a photo for critique the photo stay online for minutes while other photo arrive to replace it.

Now it's like every photo have a long time constant to rest showed, and after if the server disregard the other people post not near the time of the change it's not very democratic.


A more not so complex way to process the photo list to show is to put the address of the photo in a FIFO stack, if many photo in the fifo adding a decimation filter on time show each photo, if few enlarge the time, BUT ... at least show all the photo to be showed.

Regards, Domenico.

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Brian I'm wrong, I have made another post after seen a photo in the galery last for 3 minutes I have posted mine, I have waited another 2 minuted without seeing my photo and many others photo on critique forum are arrived, then looking I've see a photo of another patron like me, and his photo is gone on gallery.


I think there is an error with my account because now I'm sure:



Please help !


Regards, Domenico.

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  • 3 months later...
I am seeing the same problem. I submitted a photo for critique two days ago and initially recieved (within the first hour or two) a few hundred views and 10 ratings (presumably by users in the photo critique forum), however, even two days later, the image has not shown in the gallery. Any idea?
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