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Rollei 6008i -- won't fire flash


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I recently bought a used rollei 6008i. Everything seems in very good

working order, with one exception -- flash photography.


I bought a SCA 356 module, and a 300D spacer, and have tried using

them in combination with a Metz 40mz3i I have. While I get a "flash

ready" indicator in the viewfinder, the flash doesn't fire.


At the moment I do not have the instruction manual, so it is possible

that I am simply doing something wrong. I'm not quite sure what that

would be.


Can anyone offer any suggestions, hints or diagnosis? thanks

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If you're in SCA mode, you have to set the exposure on the camera so that the camera's computer recognizes that the settings will give an underexposure for the particular scene. You can do this, for example, by setting the exposure compensation dial to a negative setting. Alternatively put the exposure on some manual setting that would give underexposure without the flash. Then (in theory at least) the flash will activate for just enough time to compensate for the underexposure. Sorry if you've already tried all this.
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Have you also checked your camera not to be in automatic mode and exposure correcture dialer set to zero? In this case the flash will never fire. If you set your camera exposure mode to manual settings (of aperture and time), then you should be able to flash. And your camera in connection with SCA 356 set to ISO 100 (independent of what film you have!, you will set film speed at your magazine.) will control flash output.


Otherwise if you use your Rollei 6008 integral in automatic exposure mode, so you will combine flash light and daylight. And the flash will only be fired, if you set the exposure correction dialer to a value between -1/3 and -4 2/3. The more negative this value, the stronger flash will be and the more daylight part will be weakened on your picture. That is the fill-in-technic.


Hope this could help you.

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thanks for the help. This advice has enabled me to square away my difficulties.


But, one curious thing -- in aperture priority mode, with the meter set to spot meter, the flash on, and the exp. comp. knob set to -1/3 (or anything else, for that matter), the read-out for aperture and shutter speed are just a set of lines ("--- ---").


Anyone know why? thanks

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Doing aperture priority (or any other automatic exposure mode) it is a forbidden operating state to set metering method to spot and at the same time setting the correction dialer to a value different from zero. This is normal and no default. As you have written this forbidden state is indicated with a line ------ in your finder.


To completely describe, you will get this line in two cases:

1. setting spot or multispot and at the same time fill-in-flash

2. setting time value to B and time priority at your PQ lens.

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