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What happens when you are sleep deprived and go out with a camera.


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And after 24 hours without sleep, Jim better not come in here and questions this thread's Leica purity! I went out with a D70 and a Leica CM today and I dont care to justify what was taken with which or what or why or when. (Does that sentence make tense sense?)
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What happens when you are sleep deprived and go out with a camera.

You trip over your dog?


You have to keep an eye out for all those bad people you have upset, in case they come and get you, Bob.


Or, your bloody tired next day, and the wife hits you over the head with something heavy for not coming home..... Cool post,Trevor.

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Trevor, I liked the last one of the gun emplacements. What an amazing place that must be. The one with the girl was a good try, I liked the idea of the shot, but it didn't quite work for me. But you have an excuse. ;-)


Once I went through the night without sleeping when I had work the next day. Bad idea: I felt so tired and so nauseous I had to get off the bus and walk back home to sleep. I had no idea that sleep-deprevation actually causes PAIN.

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Thanks for the kind comments. I have not been to sleep yet (very soon) I have had my evening meal and watched the beautiful 30 year old, classic film 'Akenfield' on BBC 4. 'Akenfield' has a quality of light and texture that is so beautiful it almost moved me to tears.


WHY can't modern film directors watch this stuff and learn to do it with real light before they spend their millions? Polanski learnt from his betters, Hitchcock learnt to do it, Powell and Pressburger new a thing or two and Kubrick learnt it too. Before they broke the mould of filming with light they learnt how to MAKE the mould first. There is no humility and no reason to learn anymore. Films made by accountants and bankers and games programmers!!


Akenfield was a wonderful document as a factual book and a poetic, magical piece of film. I am off to order it from Amazon on DVD.


Thanks again. Glad you enjoyed my somnambulistic shots.

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