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Macro Challenge - competition


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I recently posted a macro eye shot "Looking through the lens" and

have challenged other members to request critiques on similar eye

shots hoping to get a feel for various camera quality and capability.


Is there anything "Bob Atkins" can do to promote such a challenge.


I think the unexpected quality I obtained from a $10 camera was in

part due to a small imager and tiny lens, but certainly sharper more

detailed images are possilbe.

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I have never known pnet to endorse or promote any individual, camera, or type of photo. If they were in the habit of promoting a competition administered by a member and of very limited depth, than everyone who wanted more visits to their portfolio would think up a competition they wanted pnet to promote. I'm sure there are plenty of things he can do, but I don't think he will because he is not at your beck and call. There are a very small handful of people who run this site and they have their hands full without trying to promote the ideas of someone who has not subscribed, contributed much to the site in photos, rates, or posts, and has not been a member long.


I am also a bit confuse as to why Bob's name is in quotes.

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To Jessica,


Why are you so harsh?


I do not expect anyone to visit my gallery - just upload a close-up of their eye to the macro critique forum. Bob has written extensively on imager size and I was hoping to offer a chance for extending everyone's education. I certainly have no intention of promoting a disposable camera - I am sure much better results are possilbe.


I put his name in quotes because there are two listed in the directory and "his" biography indicates he is the "senior editor" at photo.net.

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You've made a request/challege. See if anyone takes you up on it.


Photo.net doesn't promote "competitions" or comparisions. If we did we'd probably get hundreds of requests from people wanting to compare shots taken with various cameras under various conditions with various subjects using various lenses. Photo.net isn't set up to organize things like that.


The value of such comparisons is debatable anyway given the limitations of web images.

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I'm sorry if that was more abrasive than I meant it to be and I did not mean to imply that <i>you</i> had some sort of ulterior motive. But people who have contributed to pnet for years wouldn't be able to get any sort of project promotion because there are way too many of them. People are asking Bob (or Brian) to do things all the time that only have one purpose - to promote something they think is a good idea but other people may not. But they work hard to keep from showing favor to any member or idea. It's kept the site rather unbiased IMHO, but that's another discussion all together.

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