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Contax G 35mm f/2 Planar vs 28mm f/2.8 Biogon


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I own the Contax G2, and love the 45mm f/2 Planar lens.


If you could add only one wide angle lens to the outfit, which one

would it be - the Biogon or the Planar?


The Biogon is attractive because it's more different from the 45mm

focal length. The 35mm f/2 Planar, on the other hand, is faster, and

it boasts the redoubtable Planar design.


Can either of these lenses be used wide open without fear? How would

you compare image quality with the 45mm f/2 Planar?


Thanks in advance!

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What do you intend to photograph?

<P>I have both the 28 and 35, as well as the 21 and find that generally when I want wide, I use the 21, and when I want wide for people ie full body shots I use the 35-- The 28 is a great lens, but I just dont use it much.

<P>Let your needs dictate which lens.

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I am not familiar with the Contax system, but if that 28mm lens does not have any shortcomings optically, I would most definitely prefer it over the 35mm. 35mm and 45mm perpectives are simply too close to one another. The 28mm would present you with new, quite interesting photographic opportunities, and as a focal length, it certainly is different enough from the 45mm for you to carry it along.


I have two 35mm systems (autofocus Canon and manual Minolta), and have a 28mm lens in both. <p><a href="http://www.seittipaja.fi/data/Photography_lessons/Composition/Lesson_8/a_Fun_at_28_mm.html">this essay,</a></p> in my opinion, puts forward a pretty good case in favor of the 28mm focal length. Cheers.

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As far as I know, the 35 Planar G is not very well recognized although I have seen some stunning pictures over at the contaxg pages.


At the photokina `02 I had a nice long talk with two Zeiss technicians who recomended the Distagon 35/2.8 for my Contax 167 and the Biogon 28/2.8 for my G2 to get the best out of my budget.

As I understood it, the 35 Planar G was designed to be closer to classic Leica 35mm lenses and therefor has a different color rendition than the other G lenses.

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