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Cannon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS: Wedding Question

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I think the Canon EOS forum would be a better place to post this question. However, I use the EF 70-200 f/2.9L IS on a Digital Rebel and a new 20D. I shoot a lot of low-light stage and performance situations and do not usually use a tripod. This is an excellent combination and I have hand-held at 1/30th sec. zoomed all the way out (320mm equiv. on these cameras) with tack-sharp results. I'm VERY pleased with this lens and the IS function.

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The 70-200/2.8L IS would be an excellent lens for such purposes. I regularly use a 100-400L IS mounted on a monopod, or a tripod from the back of the church. It works great. There isn't a whole lot of fast subject movement in a church ceremony, so even with the slower aperture speed on the 100-400L IS, I still get sufficiently sharp images. The 70-200/2.8L IS would do even better, but with less reach.
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Bob, I did exactly that this past weekend, combining the Canon 20D with the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM at a friends wedding. I'll post a couple pics to my folder so you can see the results. I think the monopod is a good idea...even with the ISO set at 800 and image stabilization on with a wide open aperture, it was slightly difficult to handhold and get sharp results.
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