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How many times can a photo be submitted for a critique?


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I have sumbitted the same photo twice before, I resubmitted and actually has to delete my original "please critique" comment from the first time. It did not appear on the list to submit for critique for a couple of weeks after the first sumbission, but it did reappear without rename or reload. I had not gotten much feedback and wanted to see if I had more luck on the next round.
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I had just been wondering about this very topic. I have two photos which I've recieved some great suggestions on, and would like to resubmiut after I've had a chance to rework them. Glad this is acceptable. I'll probably wait a week or two just out of courtesy and to avoid wearing out the same shot.
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Once. The software doesn't let you submit it for critique more than once. You would have to upload the photo twice -- technically two different photos -- in order to be able to sumit it twice. At one time, you could delete a Critique Request and then you were able to make a second one on the same photo. I removed this option because people were abusing it.
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