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F-80 focusing system


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I had bought a F-80 and a 24-85 AFS lens. I was really proud and

happy of the camera set; but then I had read and tested the focusing

system and the result slightly disappoints me.


The four outter focusing areas cannot focus pattern that is

parallel to its near-side frame. To be precise, and take the RHS

focusing area as an example, when I have set my camera in landscape,

that focusing area couldn't focus a vertical line (parallel to the

side of the frame). And in landscape, the top and bottom focusing

area couldn't focus horrizontal lines (parallel to top & bottom side

of the frame).


Why doesn't Nikon make better focus system for F-80? or does F-100

have this problem? Or is it just my camera that doesn't focus





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The outer AF-sensors of the F/N-80 are linear sensors, which, as it seems from your research, are aligned parallel to the frame (I do not have my manual with me but remember seeing the outline of the sensors as you desribe them).


The F100 has two more cross-type sensors on the left and right side, which are also a little bit rotated. So yes, the F100 is better in this perspective. However, the top and bottom sensors are linear sensors (please correct me if I am wrong ...).

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I just looked at my instructions and didn't see anything relating to the focus points being of a specific type. It did however outline typical situations where focusing could be difficult, but it is the same as other AF cameras. I haven't had the problem you describe, perhaps it is the type of scene you are shooting. Do you have a copy of the manual?
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<b>I SEE</b><p>


I read your post more closely and tried to duplicate what you described and I get the same effect. I understand what you are saying now. The manual does not address this issue. When I first got this camera I played around with the different focusing points, but in the end I considered these more gimmicky than useful for me. I use the center focusing point and recompose. The left and right focusing points are not far enough to the left or right for my liking. I had an EOS 3 and a Rebel 2000 that had a similar selectable focusing points and I didn't use them either. Now if they had points throughout the screen that I could select, then maybe I'd use it.

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