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your new year resolutions


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1. get rid of cameras / lens I don't use enough


2. get rid of calories and fat cells I don't use enough


3. put more wear in the cameras / lens I use


4. living a calmer and more contemplative and tranquil life


5. catching and releasing rainbows and browns in more beautiful places


Happy holidays :-)

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1. Take more photos


2. Print more photos


3. Always (nearly always at the moment) carry a camera.


4. Stop buying kit, unless....., that didn't work!


5. Finish the Hassycron and the M2 TTL meter.


6. Make a photovest that works, any suggestions?


7. Go out with the Linhof 5x4 more often, better than the Gym.


8. Frame (well matt mount anyway) more pictures and show them.

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1.)Resist getting into crazy arguments with a few of the folks here who nearly never contribute any useful information but always criticize the rest of us for mainly off topic reasons. Just try to ignore them!


2.)Keep writing that book.


3.)Keep up my printing of old negatives.


4.)Learn to use a scanner and put a web site together.


5.)Do more fishing.


6.)Try to figure out why my two ex wives (one lives out of state), and my former long term girlfriend all get along with one another. The ex that lives here is now best friends with the former GF and quickly becoming best friends with the new GF. I get along with all of them. But my 33 year old daughter hasn't spoken to me in nearly 4 years. Big mystery!

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Tarpon! There's lots of good places to fish for them within 5 miles of where I'm sitting! There's nothing like watching 8 pound line peeling off your reel, watching 75 or 80 pounds of silvery fury come busting out of the water trying to throw your jig or fly back in your face...crap, and I've got darkroom work to do!


Back on topic: I always carry my Leica CL loaded with 200 speed color negative film unless I'm shooting pix for another captain, in which case I take a couple of M bodies with 35 and 50 'crons. For night pictures I use a Vivitar 283. I clean everything afterwards with a damp cloth and then dry them with a towel.

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Regarding your #6. People who have shared a traumatic experience tend to bond with each other :>)


Mine are:


1. Drag my butt out of bed before sunrise to get the great morning light.


2. Stop wasting my time listening to politicians and take more pics.


3. Start smoking so I can look as cool as Al.


4. Figure out how Grant, Edmo, Travis and others consistantly get such cool dark tones into their images.


5. Hone my sarcastic skills to a point where people don't know I'm insulting them. Useful on this forum.


6. Improve my scanning skills, so I can starting printing Franklins.


7. Spend less time reading what others have to say on the Leica Forum.

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