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Model on the white paper background


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I photographed this very nice girl in my studio. It was a very quick

session, like 45 minutes but I think that she has got a potential

and again although she is very young she feels how to model.

Here is the link to the folder:




The same day we did sessions for 4 other girls with the same

lighting but photos don't compare.

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great as always man. it wasn't until i started doing this that i realized how hard it is. i like the first two the best, from left to right. but i still have the same complaint about your modelling lamp not being bright enough to close the iris, too much black hole...


45 mins eh? well done friend

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>What do you mean to keep her?...


Just a figure of speach. She's a beautiful girl. There used to be a television commercial that played here in the US, back in the 70's, I think. I can't even remember what they were selling, but a husband who was very pleased with his bride, at the end of the commercial, said "My wife... I think I'll keep her."

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a small iris is a sign of a disengaged mind... it's common knowledge that your iris' dialate as your interest in your current activity increases. This is why images of women looking straight into the camera, simulating eye contact with the viewer of the photograph, are frequently retouched to <i>enlarge</i> the pupil. Is a disconnected woman now a desireable companion? no fear of actual engagement with the human behind the mask? No having to say anything in the morning (or 5 minutes from now)?.<p>Sorry... what I mean to ask is why do you want the pupils small? just to get color in the iris? I think her eyes are very engaging as they are, at the top of a long list of her excellent visual qualities... t
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What a horrible model. You should tell her to never see her again. Then, if you'd be so kind as to pass on my number, that'd be terrific. ;)


All kidding aside, very nice shots. With her earthtones (if I'm correct in that idea) working for her, I'd suggest also having a few shots more outside to bring out her beauty even more (if that is possible.)

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I had a business lunch yesterday with a group of women. The dining room was quite dark. The woman sitting next to me had vvvveerrry small pupils. She seemed quite animated, engaging all in perky discussion. I think the contracted pupls were the result of some chemical presence. I remember years ago meeting a guy on methadone treatment to withdraw from heroin addiction. His eyes were very much like those of my lunch companion.<p>Why do you guys (Igor and Eric) want to induce pupil contraction? I'd really like to know... t
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Tom, I must admit that small pupils look better for me as you can see the colour of eyes, but it depends on lighting, when shooting with open flash or with daylight they are small, I used mixed flash and just a little of daylight and they rather large. I searched through last three years of vogue italia and I see that it depends on lighting as well. Maybe I have to buy stronger pilot bulbs.
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Thanks Igor. Co-incidentally I was in another meeting (whew) with a guy whose eyes were so dilated they seemed to have no iris at all... and it was really creepy. He had been to the opthamologists just before and had them chemically opened. It was still creepy. Thanks for the answer, Igor, I'm going to check eyes the next time I'm holding a Vogue... t
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Studio photos that I like, which is usually hard and contrast lighting, black open iris eyes seem to lose the photo for me. Yet an image where the iris is closed and displaying the eye colour, or tone difference from the background, seems to close the frame for me. It's something I noticed when I dissected good and bad studio shots. Often we see the college style low powered tungsten shots in dark studios with irises dilated and everything can be great except for that. The iris, in my opinion, should be smaller in volume than the eye colour itself, at minimum. It's something I pay strict attention too now after a few throw aways. The difference can make or break a shot for me.
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Eric, thanks, I think that it looks better. I have just scanned my negs from the next shooting where I did "dark" photos but the pupils are rather big, I thought about it and my attitude is when the photo is moody the pupil can or even should be big, that how it behaves. When you have that contrasty photos it should naturally look small.<div>009NFW-19474984.jpg.dabb40e53cb7aa5f02e2ab002ce41955.jpg</div>
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it definatley works there Igor. i was speaking more of coloured eyes. i shot someone with black eyes a few weeks ago, and the lighting i wanted didn't work with the dead eye sockets, so i had to pump it up to bright flat lighting in order to get some catch light going. i'll try and dig them out.
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In my unscientific analysis of eyeballs, the most intriguing pictures have the eyes looking to the side,at about a 20 degree or more azimuth to the center of the bridge of the nose. (See,its all geometry after all).+ and a certain joie de vivre in the model that can only be drawn out by an enthusiastic cameraperson,that is where you come in. I call it the spicey kielbasa appeal,Igor. In US of A it is the "It" quality. Look at old photos of the petite actress Gloria Swanson. Eyes like you wouldn't believe. They developed them in silent film back then. I saw a travelogue on Prague the other night. Many of those eyes were there in that city. No kielbasa,though.
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