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Quick Question: Is the oldest Mamiya 645 AE prism CdS or Silicon?


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Leo, The 1000s is probably 20 years old, made of metal. Very basic VERY durable camera, also a touch on the heavy side. Verify which finder it has on it, one is coupled to the camera body, the other is not. You take a reading then manually set the camera. The super is a similar camera. The AE is the newest. This one has a poly (read plastic) body. It has adjustable diopter (I think) and is internally metered. Before your dad Ebays one of these...Check KEH.com...If he simply wants to try a MF Mamiya....You absolutely can't go wrong with KEH. $10.00 shipping, very generous return policy. You can pick up a M645 body for around $110.00, a bargain grade non metered finder for 45.00 and 80 mm lens for whatever grade you want. I have not handled the 645E, but I expect it is light. I have read conflicting reports about the quality/feel of this camera. Have Fun! Mark
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On the Mamiya 645 and 645 1000S, you have both !<br>

- The PD Prism finder S is a silicon blue cell meter prism, and the CDS prism finder has a CDS meter.<p>

- If the meter switch is a small white (or ivory) button, in front of the shutter speed dial, and the ASA dial is behind the shutter speed dial, it is the Silicon prism.<br>

- If the meter switch is a two position lever on/off, in front of the shutter speed dial and the ASA dial is inside the shutter speed dial, it is a CDS meter.<br>

The CDS meter is slightly bulkier and higher than the SBC prism.<br>

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