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Lost ratings?! Where are them?


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I've noticed the same thing on several of mine recently - in fact, one today moved a photo of mine off my "most rated photos" page. Similar to Mellik's case, but the ratings removed from mine were "average" range (4's or 5's), but not those that would have been weeded out for excessive low ratings. Just curious...
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Not a big deal, but I also lost a rating sometime during the past few days. I don't know what the rating was, but I do know the name of the rater. I checked his community member page and it shows he has rated no photos. Therefore, it appears that all his ratings were deleted or "lost" in cyberspace.
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Ratings disappear fairly often when they are either abusive or given with insufficient understanding of rating rules. On occasion someone who is rating strangely will have all their ratings deleted. When someone is proven to be using ratings for abuse, usually all their ratings are deleted and they are given a second chance. When someone continues abusive behavior after such a warning, all their ratings are generally deleted and they are likely to be permanently banned from the site.
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two simple questions :


1 : do i or don't i have the right to give only 7/7s ?<br>

i want to rate only the pics i love, and don't want to rate anything else.<br>

is it a problem ?<br><br>

2 : do or don't your relatives have the right to open accounts on pn, and rate some of your

photos if they want to do it ?<br>hence, they of course share the same provider as

you.<br><br>all my ratings have been deleted.<br>all my relatives accounts have been

deleted.<br>i've received a mail from jeremy, after the deletion, not to tell me that he

thought there was a problem and ask questions, but rather to accuse me of "rating tricks"

and "suspect behavior."<br>however, i think it was very easy to check that i'm not

involved in any "mate rating circle" of any kind.<br><br>jeremy, although i'm respectful

to your aim in this affair, i think you overreacted.<br>i have to tell you that i felt insulted

and sad.<br>plus, i think deleting everything before even asking questions is more a

judgement than a suspicion.<br>since you did not answer to my reply to your mail, i felt

like posting in the forum so that the whole thing is public and i know what to do in the

future.<br>this already existing topic about "lost ratings" seemed to be a convenient

place to do so.<br>thank you everybody for your patience, thank you for sharing

thoughts, and replying to the two questions above.

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The moderators will delete accounts that were apparently created solely for the purpose of rating one person. You may claim these were created by friends and relatives for the purpose of rating your photos; but they are indistinguishable from bogus accounts that you created yourself to rate your own photos. In any case, neither are permitted. If your friends and relatives want to visit your photos, they are of course welcome. Tell them to leave comments and to stay away from the rating system. The site is not interested in their opinions as to which photos should be given prominence on the site when their aim seems to be encourage and compliment you.


Concerning whether it is "legal" to adopt a rating pattern where you only use the "7" value. The rating pattern that we are looking for is that people use the full range of ratings from 1 to 7, with the vast majority of ratings being in the 3-5 range, meaning average, or somewhat better or worse than average. This follows from the fact that photos are being rated relative to other photos in the Critique Forum, and most photos *by definition* are average or a little better or worse than average. Accordingly, only a few photos should receive 2 or 6 ratings, even fewer should receive 1 or 7 ratings. If you decide not to give the low ratings because you fear retaliation or because you don't like discouraging people, that is acceptable. If that is your approach, your ratings should be in the 3-7 or 4-7 range. The more you move towards only using 6 and 7, the more suspect your ratings appear -- the more they seem to be working some other agenda or twisting the meaning of the rating system, and the more likely they are to be removed. If combined with other suspect behaviour, such as a lot of bogus-looking accounts that seem to exist only to give your photos high ratings, it becomes even more likely that a moderator would conclude that your ratings are dishonest and of no use to the site, and remove your ratings and delete the suspect accounts.

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thank you brian for the fast answer.<br>a few precisions and i'll be ok with the whole

affair.<br><br>1 : i maintain that a few questions before the deletion would have been

the correct way to go.<br><br>2 : i think my relatives did not rate only me, and if you've

asked, i'd have told you to delete all their ratings on my photos but to keep the other

ratings, and to keep the accounts alive.<br><br>3 : as you of course know, it is very easy

to mask the provider, ip, system, browser, localisation, etc. so if ever i'd have any intention

of rating my own photos i'd have done it in a more clever way !<br><br>that's it.<br>for

now on, i will try to rate what i think are "average" photos.<br>such a subjective

matter.<br>i will also ask my relatives not to open accounts anymore, but if they do, to

clearly state who they are in the bio page, and to stay away from rating my pics.<br>thank

you again.

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