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Tripod/head for a Pentex 67II


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Hi Larry,<br>Unfortunately you picked the two most expensive aspects of a tripod/head. A good ball head alone on the used market would probably eat up half of that budget. Carbon fiber tripods arent regularly seen on the used market and so you will likely be buying a poor quality, though carbon fiber, tripod with that budget. <p>I would recommend buying a high quality tripod and head, as this is one piece of equipment that will work with all your gear and will probably outlast you. <p> In that regard I think that you have two practical options: <br>1. spend more money and get a nice arca-swiss ball head and put it on a good size gitzo (or maybe bogen) carbon fiber tripod.<br>2. re-evaluate your criteria and get a nice gitzo aluminum tripod (these can be found used, and hold up like a rock) and bogen 3047 head. This combination would easily fit within your budget. <p>A good tripod is a godsend and mine has become my favorite piece of equipment (gitzo 1410, bogen 3047 head). Check ebay for good prices on new tripod equipment, specifically a seller in canada named "Henery's". Good luck and I hope this helped. <p>Todd Schoenbaum<br><a href="http://www.celluloidandsilver.com"> Celluloid and Silver</a>
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I guess with a camera like a Pentax 67 I would be more inclined to spend the $300 to $400 on a really good ball head with a nice QR plate and then figure out the best tripod that I can get with the rest. My personal preference would be to have a really good head and live with the heavier tripod. Of course, your priorities might be different. If you hike with your Pentax (yikes!) then you might prefer to get the carbon fiber tripod and skimp on the head. I agree with the previous poster that it will be challenging at best to get both for the budget you are shooting for.
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  • 1 year later...
Why on earth everybody suddenly wants a graphite tripod is beyond me. People will spend rediculous amounts of money on what amounts to a plastic tripod (yes, they really are based on plastic. Just like fishing poles.)just to say they have one under the guise of "I saved weight". This is all nuts, but exactly what the tripod manufacturers want. There are very few of us who actually need a graphite tripod that weights a pound or so less than a quality aluminum one. I have aluminum Gitzo tripods that I have had for over twenty years, and I would not ever trade any of them for a newfangled graphite Gitzo or any other brand. I am not saying that no one should ever buy a graphite tripod, by any means. I am just saying that 98% of us shouldn't. Big waste of money for most people. In my opinion, most photographers would do better by losing a couple of pounds around their waist than spending money on a lighter tripod.
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