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is this a good deal?

paul a. roid

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not really. the DR summicron as shown is worth maybe $350 (assuming no haze or other problems). the beater m4p is worth $650 to $700 (assuming it works well). one thousand for the pair would be more like it.


a store might charge a little more, but not much. and a craig's list sale is always a bit dicey.


call tamarkin if you are in NYC. they will sell you a very minty, perfectly functional m4-p for $900 and a nice DR (or other) 50 cron for $400. you'll be much happier.

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The DRS is prone to haze, fog, and separation. There's no way to tell for sure from this photo, but I have a bad feeling about this one. It may be clear, but somehow doesn't look that way in the photos. It looks like it could be fogged. The M4P is a good camera, but the best deals right now are on the M6's everyone is dumping for an MP--or for a digital.
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