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Has anyone taken a workshop run by Don Gale?


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I took Don's Big Sur, California based workshop during the last week of December 2004. It started on Tuesday night and ended by about 3:00pm on Thursday.


There were about 15 students (I recall that at least two were women). At least one-third brought their wives and two brought one child each (teenagers). All but two were from California (Don is based in California). One of the two was me (NYC) and the other only recently moved from California to Oregon upon retirement. Don also had his wife there. A decent number of the students have been on a multiple of Don's previous workshops.


The students ranged from entry level (i.e. a few just bought their first D/SLR and only had the lens that came with it to use) to one couple who had been shooting weddings fulltime for a number of years and another who shot medium format and seemed quite experienced. A few of the students seemed very capable, knowledgeable and experienced. Most seemed to have a bit less experience and knowledge. All were very nice and friendly. I would not at all characterize this as an advanced workshop. It was probably either a beginner or intermediate (at best) level workshop. Considering most of the students that attended, it was appropriate.


Don had been to the area before (a multiple of times I believe) and had scouted out areas for shooting. He also had some "lessons" planned and since it rained ALOT he did various demo's in a building he rented for the duration of the workshop for us to gather. Don also supplied alot of snacks and a few freebies (i.e. a nice small LowePro case and a Tamron hat).


Don was very friendly and easy going and tried to be helpful whenever possible.


The cost for the workshop was $250 which only covered the workshop. Room and food costs were yours to arrange and Don recommended where to stay. Everyone except me seemed to have their own car as they drove to the workshops from home (I had a rental) and I probably could have easily gotten a ride from others but chose to drive my own car for convenience. Don handed out a number of two-way radios to aid the group in staying together.


Don's website is at http://www.photographybydon.com/

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