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What lense for my Canon 10D

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I am going to be buying a new lense, and wanted some opinions of what

to buy. When I bought my canon EOS 10D, i just bought hte body and

continued to use my rebel G standard lense 25MM-=75 MM


I want to upgrade now, and wanted to know if anyone had thoughts on

what to buy? What would be a "good" next step. I know everyone will

have a different opinion--


I will be shooting portraits, and weddings.


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For portraits and such, the Canon 50/1.4 is superb. I use the Canon 28/1.8 as my

"normal" lens for most other shooting. And the Canon 20/2.8 is an excellent wide. All

three are fast, compact, and produce excellent rendering.


If you prefer zooms, the Canon 17-40/4L and 24-70/2.8L are as good as you can get, if a

bit bulky and expensive.



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If you have access to a good camera store, you could put various lenses on the camera right there, shoot in light that would probably somewhat duplicate your average wedding lighting, then Photoshop them and print them up and make a decision the same day, the beauty of digital


I;ve done that several times, rather than commit to an unknown lens and have to go through the return process


In any event, definitely get a 50mm 1.8, too cheap to pass up, and excellent.

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you "gotta" have a 50/1.8 in the bag ....and it is stated by others that on a 300d they do nice portrait work. Plus it has been my habit at weddings to walk around with my 50mm hanging on a short strap around my neck. Just say somethin' stupid then reach up and hit the shutter (hip shot so to speak) you get some great unposed snaps of those people that allways hide from the camera when you pull it up to your eye and then beg them for a smile.<div>009aU6-19771684.jpg.592774c50931808814402243aebfd91f.jpg</div>
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