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Size of Mamiya 6 with 50mm?

Scott Ridgeway  www.Scott

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I currently use a Mamiya 7 with 65mm lens. I've been

considering a second identical camera/lens as a backup. Then it

occured to me that it might be nicer to have a slightly smaller and

more portable camera instead. I'd carry the 7 when I KNEW I'd be

shooting. I'd carry the smaller camera to the mall and gas

station. That said, can the Mamiya 6 with 50mm lens be

collapsed? Would this set up be "flatter" than my current

system? How big (or small) is the Mamiya 6 w/50mm?



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Retracting the lens makes a big difference when travelling. But I have read that it's possible to wear out the bellows (which you can't see from the outside). Given Mamiya's attitude to servicing these (no critical spare parts, high cost of other repairs) I would suggest either giving it a miss, or buying two bodies. (I did the latter, incidentally)
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I havent mesure it up (and dont have the 50mm no more) but its about an M camera with a rigid cron, plus about a 1cm. I know my M3 with a rigid cron was exactly the same as the mamiya 6 with the 75mm collpased.


The mamiya 6 with the 75mm lens collapsed, is about 75mm thick, including lens cap. Much more portable than the 7.

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Hi Scott,

I am not the first one who sold a M6 and regret it now (Check my

classified list). In my case, I sold M6/75mm to finance a M7II/

60mm, nealy the same as you have. The M7 with 60mm is

significantly bigger than M6/75mm. But the 50mm M6 is also

bigger than the 75mm collapsed. It's really your call: If you get

M6/50mm, the space saving is not as big as M5/75mm, but still

pretty compact. I would also question the angle of views: The

M7/60mm is about 31mm to 35mm film, and the M6/50mm is

about 28mm. If you really need the extra wide (as I wish the M7/

60mm now), then go for the 50mm M6. If you want a close to

normal lens (since you already have a wide angle M7), then go

for the 75mm for more space saving. BTW, is there any place to

buy a cheaper M6 body other than KEH?

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I own a Mamiya 6 and all 3 lenses. Since friday i'm also a proud owner of original original hoods.

Yes, Mamiya 6 with the 50 mm can be collapsed. The original hood can also be turned around so that it doesn't add to the size of the collapsed camera.

When collapsed, it is just small enough to carry under your coat.

Do you want some actual measures?




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Yes! An actual measurement would be most helpful. With my M7,

I keep the lend hood attached with a clear filter, and don't use a

lens cap. I would probably use the M6 in the same manner. I

wouldn't reverse the lens hood so a measurement this way

would be best. (Being able to conceal the camera under a jacket

or coat sounds perfect!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for delay, but here it comes.

Collapsed Mamiya 6MF with 50 mm lens, including a B+W UV filter and an original Mamiya lens cap is 9.7 cm thick. When the lens is extended, it measures 13.0 cm. Other measures are 16 cm x 11.3 cm and 1377 g including a neck strap, the original lens hood and a roll of Portra 400UC loaded.




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