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Which battery for SuperProgram/Super A?


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Today I bought some new batteries for my Super A. When I got home, I

read that the voltage of the SR44 I bought is 1.55V. But the manual

says they should be 1.5V. Does the light-meter have a voltage

regulator, or is it directly operated from the battery voltage? In

other words, does this make a 0.05V difference have an influence on

the accuracy of the light meter?


Best regards, Raymond Cremers.

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I haven't noticed any difference in meter accuracy using silver oxide (SR44) or alkaline (LR44) button cells, or the 3v lithium cell - I think they all work fine. The voltage changes with use anyway, and you get a display warning when it's too low. LR44s don't last as long and don't like the cold very much, but I get them for about 10 pence (UK) each, so I mostly use them. If I'm going somewhere cold I treat it to some SR44s.


The alkalines seem to last a few months regardless, even if you leave the camera switched on a lot, ditto in my LX. A Nikon FM2 with a dodgy motor drive which doesn't power off the meter was a bit of a culture shock after the Pentaxes - the batteries will go flat in that in under a day if it's left on, so I've taken to carrying spares now.


'course, the SuperA actually *needs* batteries to operate the shutter, while the FM2 & LX don't, but I don't think flat batteries have stopped me taking a single picture in over 20 years with a SuperA. The same definitely can't be said of the MZ5n, which is very well behaved if well-fed but a royal pain when stuck in *cold* *expensive* German towns without spare CR2s - twenty six euros for a pair, mutter, grumble.

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For that MZ5n, get the Pentax FG "AA" battery pack. It sells for @20-25 USD and uses four (4) AA batteries. I load mine with the cheapest alkaline batteries I can find. I load fresh batteries @ twice a year (for spring/summer shoots and then for fall/winter holiday shoots). I shoot quite a bit and with the semiannual battery change, I've never had my SLR die.

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