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I wil be the Photographer at a friends wedding. I am expierienced

with my analog-equipment (F90x, 20-35, 24-85, 80-200), but also have

a D70 with the 18-70 and the above mentioned lenses.


Would you do the photos with an analoge Camera or with the digital

D70. They tend to digital, I enjoy shooting digital and had no

problems using that camera. But, of course, I am more experienced

with the analogue-Camera and have with the 20-35 and the 24-85 more

wide-angel than I have with the D70 and the 18-70.


Which equipment would you choose?


Thanks, Axel

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Hi Axel,


My recommendation is to use the equipment you have the most experience. If I can suggest, I equate digital to using transperancy (slide) film. A wedding is no time to use something you're not totally familiar with as a lot happens during those few precious hours and you want to concentrate on capturing the numerous moments of emotion that will be on display at a wedding.


Just my thoughts to help you.

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When I shoot weddings, I pretty much use digital exclusively. One thing to keep in mind is that one can easily shoot 10, 15 rolls of 36-exposure film during a wedding, depending on the duration, etc.. That means perhaps 400 to 600 frames. If you shoot digital, do you have sufficient menory cards to hold so many images? Or will you have a PC or storage device to upload?


Moreover, either your film or digital camera can fail. Regardless of which one you use, what happens if it fails? Say if you choose to shoot digital, will you have sufficient film supply as a backup?

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Thanks for your sugestions.


Mickey, shooting analogue would mean using two bodies. To use D70 with 18-70 and F90x with 20-35 or 24-85 and have the 80-200 for all cases might be an idea.


Shun, I know what you mean. This summer, I shoot a complete wedding with 14 films. This time will only be the official ceremony, but not the celebration afterwards. I have 1 GB and a 256 MB Flashcard - this should be enough using JPG-Best, i Think.


Thanks, Axel

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I shoot weddings on film, one of the main reasons for this is because color neg film has more exposure latitude than digital. You're really pushing the limits of digital with a bride in a white dress that has a sheen to it, standing next to the groom in a black tux. With neg film (still paying attention to technique, of course!) I don't worry about blowing out the highlights which would mean all of the detail in the bride's dress. A little extra safety margin, and one less thing to be stressed out about... But I think the D70 would be a good camera to use during the ceremony without flash in low light. Use both if you can. Another strategy would be to get the shots you need with film, then you experiment a little with the digital - the instant feedback might help you get some creative shots.


You also say you're more comfortable with your F90x, so that would be an extra level of comfort.

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"I have 1 GB and a 256 MB Flashcard - this should be enough using JPG-Best, i Think." Why?




If you expect 'good' results, shoot in the largest file size the camera can produce. You can create .jpg files later from a large image, but going the other way is not a grand idea.

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