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Al Kaplan Okay in Florida?

jorn ake

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Just wondering - saw some of the images of the storm damage in Florida

on the BBC and remembered that Al Kaplan (and a few others on the

list) are from that state. If anyone knows how to make contact with

him (or them) maybe they could check and then let us know if help is

needed. Internet may be down, but I would guess the post office can

deliver a new supply of Tri-X and some D-76. Or whatever is needed.

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Yes, Al is fine. He's plugging his T-shirt this morning on the

<i>Today!</i> show. Katie Couric is going to wear one, too!

Then, he's meeting a 'Mr. Zimmerman' for lunch! Al is going to

supply all the liner pics for his upcoming 64-CD boxed set.

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Jorn, I'm fine. Kevin, I wish that were true! Here on the lower east coast of Florida we had a bit of wind which might have gotten as high as 50 KPH for a few minutes during a rain squall about 10:30 P.M. the night before the hurricane made landfall on the other coast. We had about 7 or 8 cm of rain, and most of that was during that same squall. The day the hurricane actually made landfall we had light showers through out the day, winds of 30 to 40 KPH and even some brief periods of sunshine.


Having been through quite a few hurricanes over the years I was well prepared, stocked up on Tri-X, chemicals and paper. I'm well aware that the news media tends to sensationalize things, and doesn't go into much detail about exactly where things are when they're talking about things half a world away. When one of these storms manages to get across the Atlantic our newspapers have headlines like "British Isles Devastated by Storm" and minor tremors in Italy become "Earthquakes Wreak Havoc in Europe".

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Whatever happened to my thread about the wellbeing of our breathens down there? After I posted it, I went to sleep. The next morning it is nowhere to be found. Did it went offtopic? What happened? Can somebody fill me in?
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Al: You reference wind speed as KPH. Is this Knots Per Hours, or Kilometers per Hours? Do you generally work in the metric system or is this another part of your spoof? Glad to hear you are in good shape. Potable water would be more in line than chemicals.


Wildfires here in Alaska. 29.4 degrees C yesterday. Sky is hazy and the trees are turning yellow from LACK of water. First time I can remember in 40+ years.




Mark J.

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KPH refers to kilometers per hour in defference to the entire rest of the planet. President Jimmy Carter tried to to get us good folks of the United States hyped up about "metrification" but the effort failed. The word "knots" actually means "nautical miles per hour". Distances would be stated in "nautical miles", speed (velocity if you're a real nit picker) is stated in "knots". ~Capt. Al
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I don't have the exact details but "knots" were used by sailors in olden times to check boat speed. Knots were tied on a rope at a specific distance apart. While the boat was moving they would drop the rope in the water and count how many knots made it to the water in a pre determined time. The more knots the faster you were going. At some point the distances between the knots on the rope and the testing time became standardized.
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The tragedy of the metric system is that its proponents claimed to base it on scientific measurement of the earth. They spent years attempting to measure the surface distance from the pole to the equator and then dividing by ten million to get the meter. The falacy was that an accurate surface measurement was impossible but having failed in that quest they assumed a distnce that was as faulty as their premise. A more rational systerm would have been based on angular measurements which seafaring men had used since antiquity. But seafarers were not scientists so the illuminatti decreed that everything should be related to one ten millionth of the quarter circumference using decimal enumeration. They even tried to make metric weeks and years, but they couldn't metricate time and the rotation of the earth, and their derived measurements had no relation to human scale whatever. I could go on an on but I thank providence that Jimmy Carter failed to convince the US and we will be spared enforced conformity at least a little while before the reformers try it again. "A pint's a pound the world around!" (If this isn't trolling I will turn in my license.)
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