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Dimensions and pocketability of IIIf?


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I was surprised not to find the answer to these questions on a search:

Exactly what are the dimensions of the IIIf? Do people who have one

find it pocketable? (shirt pocket?, coat pocket?) Do you find

yourself taking it places that you might not likely bring your M

Leica, because of the IIIf's smaller size? I'm very fond of my M6TTL,

but nonetheless don't think of it as a "take everywhere" camera. I'm

grateful to hear the opinions of IIIf users. I've never handled one.

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I have a IIIf and although it is very compact when the Elmar f3.5 50mm is collapsed, you are nto dealing with a plastic point and shoot. Although just short of 7" and about 2" collapsed, it is a brick. Bear in mind that the body and lens are made of zinc alloy and brass. Make sure you have a sturdy coat pocket. That said, it is a handy size camera for casual shooting.
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Hi Ollie:


I just measured my Leica II. Dimensions are 5.25x2.63x1.25" without a lens. A collapsible 50mm Elmar will project about .5" when collapsed with lens cover. A 50mm brightline finder in the shoe adds about 1" to the height. BTW Leica's from IIIc onwards are about 1/8" longer.


I use the II and a IIIa (with Elmar 50 or Summitar) as my "everyday" cameras and I find that they fit quite comfortably in jacket or coat pockets. I'm sure you would be very happy with a IIIf for this purpose.


Best, David

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Dimensions- length 13.5 cm. depth (body alone) 3 cm; with collapsed 5cm 'cron 6cm; height 7cm; an auxiliary finder in the accessory shoe adds about 2cm.

As has been pointed out it's heavier than a typical P&S & will definitely spoil the line of your jacket (I carry mine in a trousers pocket- no snide remarks please)

For me useability as a carry everywhere camera depends on carring a meter & keeping the 5cm finder more or less permanently on the camera because its squinty finder is horrible to use

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You got the exact demensions. I will say it is exactly almost the same length and thickness as an M. It is shorter by the 3/4 the heigth of the viewfinder window. It is lighter than a M by 1/3 without putting it on a scale. Add an aux viewfinder and it gets tall



3.5 elmar adds little to the thickness or weight. Don`t know about foreign glass.


In my opinion it is a great carry camera with real interchangeable lenses. 3.5 summaron, 3.5 elmar, and 90 elmar make a small package. Tough to find the glass in really good condition. You need a coated elmar with the red scale being best. I use mine on a M6 and can`t separate the pics from current glass at 5.6 or smaller. Biggrt stop are OK.

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i have an m6.

i find an m6 with pre-asph 35mm summicron more pocketable than with my 50/2.8 elmar. as soon as i take it out its ready to shoot with my 35, where as with the elmar i have to fiddle with extending the lens.


but comparing to the IIIf, i would say IIIF is more pocketable. Also i like the aesthetics of IIIF better.

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The IIIf handles like no other clone can hope to; it's a real classic thorough-bred through and through. I've been less impressed with the M series (the build quality and lenses are great) than the III series; the lenses are at least affordable and made by many 3rd parties and the size is just so good in the palm. Its compact height puts it in a class of its own; the cheap palm-size modern junk don't compare.



As much as I love my IIIf, it doesn't work as a 'take everywhere' camera without its own drawbacks. I carry a spare viewfinder for the wider and telephoto lenses which makes it awkward to carry without protruding. I have a spare pair of scissors around with me to trim the leader for film as well. Loading film on the move is very tricky - I still need to stop to load my film.

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I am a fairly recent Leica convert; I borrowed one of my father's user IIIf's, and I won't give it back. I often carry it with an Elmar 50/3.5 in my pants pocket if I think there will be photo opportunities in my travels. Sometimes with a Summitar, but it isn't as flat. Cheapo Sekonic match needle meter in the other pocket with the car keys and an extra roll of film. I use the 'squinty' viewfinder, so nothing on the shoe.


It is too big & heavy to be a P&S - it IS a brick. But it works for me; too often I left the bulky Minolta SLR behind (the Mrs. hates my 'tourist look' it when I lug it around), or didn't bother to take more than a few snaps with a crappy P&S, be it film or digital. The IIIf's lack of 'auto everything' makes me slow down and think, too.


Bottom line, as a (very) casual shooter, I'm shooting more and better with a IIIf in my pocket.

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The size is not a problem, but I just weighed my IIIf. With a 50mm Elmar and roll of film it weighs 20 oz. (with Summicron it's 24 oz). Probably okay with a P jacket or heavy overcoat, but in a suit or sports coat pocket over a pound is just too heavy.
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I don't have a IIIf, but I do have a couple Tower 45s (aka Nicca 5Ls), which are very close in size & I think a bit lighter in weight. Most of the time, I don't find their smaller size/weight makes them significantly more convenient to carry around than an M Leica, certainly not enough to outweigh (no pun intended) the great "shootability" of an M (combined VF/RF, framelines, etc.); if I want to carry around something smaller & lighter than an M, I prefer using 1 of my Contax IIa's. The only exception is when I want to put a camera in my briefcase, & even then I often go w/a Contax IIa, Olympus XA, or disassembled M instead.


I agree w/Bill Mitchell on the pocketability issue. Coat/jacket pocket yes or maybe, depending on how heavy the coat/jacket, but pants or shirt pockets? You've got to be kidding (or have incredibly roomy & durable pants or shirts)!

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For a take everywhere 35mm camera that is really small and takes great pics, I've tried the Rollei 35 with a working meter. The handling is nutty, it is zone focus (read guess)and not as sturdy as the IIIf, but it will take nice pics.


As to the IIIf with Elmar 50 3.5, mine fits in an old Instamatic zipper case that clips to my belt. Works better than a pocket and handier.

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