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Nikon 24mm soft focus on right side?


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OK I haven't seen this posted and I'm not a seasoned pro so I'm

probably going to look like an idiot here...


I used my 24mm 2.8D this weekend for portraits and noticed that the

right side of all the photos are soft or out of focus as opposed to

the middle and left side.


Afterwards, I made some test shots at home with different lenses and

found no problems with other lenses. I made sure both ends of the 24

were clean and even changed filters. Same thing at home, soft right



What am I experiencing here???


Here's an example. (poor file quality but you can at least see what

I'm talking about)



Am I just imagining things or do you guys see that it's softer on the

right side.


BTW, I'm using a D70...

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One thing I noticed is that the people in that image are standing in an arch and it seems like the right side of the arch is closer to the lens.


Being a 24mm lens, there's that factor of a distortion and pin-cushion effects which can be accentuated when the subject isn't at the same or close to the same distance from the camera.


What was the aperture? f/2.8? That would have made it worse.

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Sounds like one or more elements are tilted and/or decentered. Another clue would be if the color fringing pattern is not rotationally symmetric about the image center. There are some low tech and some incredibly high tech methods for fixing this sort of problem, but neither one is very pretty.
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Hi Tony,

Once in long while, I would come across a lens where one side of image would be significantly softer then the centre and the other side of the image. I concluded that some of the elements had been tilted. This happened even to new lenses. I would tnen sent them for adjustment and that usually solve the issue.

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Yes it looks a little soft on the right. This is a test I do of any used lens; photograph a textured wall wide open at infinity, and repeat the test at close focus. If you see that sort of focus shift from one side to the other, the lens is out of alignment.


Tried a 20/2.8 AFD from KEH in 'ugly' condition once, and it had that same sort of problem. That one also had a slight 'point of aim' shift when focusing in the portrait position; another indication that something inside was not right. I sent it back.

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