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Nikon 45mm 2.8P focus - is it too tight?


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I've never handled the 45 f/2.8P - but - is this the first manual focus lens you've used? If you're only used to AF lenses, the focus ring will definitely feel different. A "dampened" feel, as opposed to the loose feel of most AF lenses.


If it's a gritty kind of tight, there might be a problem.

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The 45mm f/2.8P focusing ring is tight. Tighter than my AIS 50mm f/1.8, 28mm f/2 and 105mm f/2.5. But it is more loose than my AI 200mm f/4 lens.


As Eric said, if it is gritty, then there is a problem. Otherwise, it is ok. Unless you need a pair of pliers to turn the focus ring it is ok.

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Compared to most Nikkor "D" lenses I have, yes, the 45mm f/2.8P focus ring is tight. After testing all my lenses, I find that it is the tightest of any lens I own, even some older manual focus lenses (maybe this is how the focus felt when they were new twenty or thirty years ago). The loosest focus award goes to my 85mm f/1.8D lens.
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