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8MP "Prosumer" level P&Ss


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The Canon Pro1 can take excellent photos, but it is slow to focus. Much, much slower than the Digital Rebel and kit lens, which I also own. The main drawbacks to the prosumer point and shoots (at least Nikon and Canon's) is that they don't use the flash assist lamp on an external flash! This, to me, undermines the whole reason to have a hotshoe on a point and shoot digital camera. In the dark, P&S digital cameras don't focus very well. You can mount the external flash, but not use the flash assist? That, to me, is just stupid. There must be a very good technical reason why they don't, but I haven't heard it.


Anyway, for moving children, action of any kind, forget it. Any P&S digital I have ever used is not up to the challenge of capturing decisive moment photographs. Also, be aware that ISO 400 and ISO 800 is very useable on a digital SLR. Even ISO 1600 (or 3200, as on my 10D) is useable for some things. ISO 400 on the Pro1 is pretty useless. Far too noisy.


That being said, here is a photo that shows the merits of the Pro1. Taken with a 420EX, bounced off the ceiling, ISO set to "auto."


It can take nice photos, but you have to work around its limits.<div>009twx-20178584.jpg.a50a7fdece3bb9b1bf9a2766c7e99b4f.jpg</div>

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I don't know about the Canon and Nikon 8Mpixel digicams as when I looked at them they

just struck me as somewhat mediocre. The Olympus C8080 has a built in focus assist

lamp, and uses the FL series flashes for that function too. The Sony F828 has a superb

built-in laser hologram focus assist system and focuses in total darkness with absolute

accuracy, regardless of whether you've mounted an external flash unit. The only one I'm

not sure about is the Konica Minolta A2 ... it has no built-in flash assist lamp and I haven't

learned enough about the dedicated flash units as yet to understand whether they support

a flash assist lamp.



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