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K200 color balance and K-14 processing in Japan

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This one is for those who have experience with K200 (KL). Are there some ways,

filters, to make it look a bit cooler. Wonderful film, sometimes a bit too warm

for me, amateur version at least, since PKL is no longer available. Any



And then about processing in Tokyo, Japan. Since Lausanne is closing, I wonder

is it worth trying this one. I live in EU, so, it is either Dwaynes or Horiuchi

Color in Tokyo. Maybe some one here have used their service.


Thanks in advance.

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I think that K-14 processing is tightly enough controlled at the remaining labs that you will get the same color balance from any of them. You probably will find that Horiuchi isn't interested in business from outside Japan, and payment methods may be an issue. (The Japanese have unique payment systems.)


A slight cooling filter (like a "morning and evening" one) might help you.


Also, if your K200 is too red, it's too old. Fresh film should be accurate, even a little green. Of course, not clear if Kodak has coated any recently...

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I bought quite a few rolls (dozens) of various Kodachromes from B&H last month. The latest KL200 had an emulsion number of 2671 and an expiration date of 8/2007. EK must be retrieving master rolls from the "salt mine" and sending them "south of the border" for finishing as needed. So far I have received expiration dates of 3/2007, 4/2007 and 8/2007 with this same emulsion number. Not sure if they have coated a fresher number than 2671. All the NYC stores have plenty and Dwayne's is running right at 7-8 days via Wal-Mart. Keep using it and EK with keep making it!


Robert Johnson

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Thanks for the info, Robert.


"Keep using it and EK keep making it!"


Well, I want to use this film, but Kodak doesn't want to sell it to me. They have stopped selling this film in my home country in North Europe and the situation seems to be similar in many European countries.

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Nowe - I just found some more K200 with emulsion #2671 that expires 10/2007. I guess they just retrieved more from the "salt mines" and sent it down "south of the border" for finishing! That's four different expiration dates for the same emulsion number. The exact same thing happened last year with an earlier emulsion number.


Robert Johnson me@robertejohnson.com

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