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Film for indoor family shots/portraints

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Hi :


I am planning to do some indoor family portraits.

I will be shooting 35mm film/slides . The only help I have

is the 580 Ex flash.


I was curious what all different film/slides and ISO Speed

should I try ?


Since I am new to portrait-shooting, y;r suggestions will be

very helpful.




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There are many films that are excellent for portraits; however, it might help to know a little about what you are going for. Do you want high saturation colours, or natural, or low? Do you want low contrast, or medium, or high? How important is keping the grain low?

For example... Kodak Portra NC will give you low grain, low contrast, but also low saturation. UC400 will give you very high saturation (while still giving natural fleshtones), but also medium to high contrast. Agfa Optima II 400 will give you beautiful bright colours, and medium to low saturation, but signifigantly more grain. Of course, these are by no means the only films you could choose. It all depends on what you are looking for.

The good news is that we have an emberassment of riches. Rasther than picking "the best" film, we have many wonderful films and can pick the one that gives us exactly what we want.

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The intent to shoot family portraits and get them printed,

anywhere from 8x12 to 12x18. I have only 35mm film equipment.

Yalp I want to minimize grain, some saturation will be great

as long as the skin-tones look natural.


I noticed, I get really slow shutter speeds, whil shooting indoor

with a flash. This prompted to think if ISO 100 was an option

at all and hence this question .


Y;r suggestions are welcome.



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