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Considering the PPA and or WPPI


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Is anyone certified with the PPA here? Or associated with WPPI? If so do you think it

helped your business prospoer? Seems worthwhile but what are your thoughts?

I have heard many good things, I know it's nice to pow wow

with people, have legal representation, help with marketing, get reduced insurance

rates, have a credential to display on your site, etc...

But other than that what do you have to say about it?

I know there is a portfolio review but any idea what the test is like to get into PPA?


To get into WPPI seems easy, I'm pretty sure it's just $100.

I would like to attend the convention in Las Vegas in March 2005. I know Denis Regie

is speaking along with countless others. Just wondering what your experiences if any

are and the pros/cons of being associated with these two organizations.


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I've considered in the past but what I'm looking for in an association is one that would be willing to promate professionlysm in our industry. one that can tell the public if you see this sign then your dealing with somone who knows what thier doing. I have come across a lot of members of both the PPA & WPPI and they just didnt seem to have the techinical stuff down. thats not to say every members is not techinacly savy. I just do not have any faith in these associations.
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These organizations will accept anyone with the $ to join. They do have programs designed to help photographers "grow" and learn. The best things about these "clubs" especially the local chapters is that you get to interface with other local pro's. As a former speaker at the larger conventions I can tell you for every technically savvy photog there was one equally unsavvy one. I have personally always gotten more out of my local organization -the Prof Photogs of Mass {PPAM}Here you get some decent "programs" and get some good face time with other local pros {your peers} It is easy to weed out who knows what they are talking about. Best regards -RichD Of course the discounted insurance/legal representation could be worth its weight in gold!
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I've joined both this year and am more impressed with WPPI for their newsletters. I haven't formed an opinion on the PPA yet. I'm not sure if it will help my biz or not although I display both logos.



I think there is a lot of usefull information to be gotten from both orgs. May be more applicapble for someone like me (quasi-newbie) who is getting back into wedding work as a serious business. A seasoned pro might not find the content very educational.


I would like to take advantage of the conventions but cannot justify the $$$ yet.



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Hello All


I am a member of the PPA. I am not certified at this time, will be testing in the future. Here is my list of Pro's and Con's of the PPA.


1. For Wedding Photog's the "Indemnification Trust" insurance with legal counsel from Sam Erkonen. Top flight Attorney specializing in Photography Law.

2. Equipment Insurance for all photog's.

3. Some continuing education.




1. Poor benefits, i.e. no medical insurance.

2. Poor magazine, even though they like to blow their horn ALOT, the magazine is really poor to mediocre in my opinion.

3. I don't get much from PPA, i.e. a calendar and some other stuff, but most of it is shamelessly marketing PPA.

4. NO SERIOUS Equipment discounts. Oh Yeah - you get a coupon book, but it's mostly for stuff you don't want or need. But when it comes to using the buying power of the PPA to negotiate lower prices on the equipment we need for PPA members, forget it. They talk about it alot, but there is NO program in place to my knowledge. What do I mean by 'serious equipment', well they sure write alot about digital, and the top end stuff for $16-20,000 like the digital Fuji back and new digital bodies (Hasselblad no less), but don't ask the PPA after writing about how good that gizmo is; and how they think it will help your workflow production; to negotiate a lower price so you can then implement it. So PPA writes alot about serious equipment, and nothing gets a bad review which makes me question their integrity. You are far better off using the web to review and rate equipemnt than what the PPA places in their magazine.



Now that I have been a member for 3 years now and have accrued 'merit points' through continuing education, I HAVE to maintain my PPA membership or I beleive I will lose those points. So what I see in PPA mostly is people who have the choker tie's, looks like a Texas 'Bow-la' tie with these gold ingots hanging on the nylon tie. They acquire these from merit points that come from having their photogrpahs judged, and points awarded. The longer they wear those things over the years, the more their head and neck slouch forward. Aside from the description above, I don't see where PPA has done much for me even though they like to brag alot about what they do for the professional community at large. They take up battles they can't win (Copyright issues) and stick us with the bill. Whereas I don't see them taking on issues they can win.


What is my baseline comparison you ask - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). They have available to their members for FAR LESS membership dues - Medical Insurance, Rental Car discounts, Life Insurance and a whole host of benefits that the PPA can't even conceive of.


NOW what has REALLY worked well for me is the Texas Professional Photographers Association and local (city) guild. The local guild is best, with a most supportive group briming with advice and besides you get to meet them face to face and share experiences and pick up tips. Besides the vendors come to you, not the other way around.


So before you decide to join PPA, I suggest exploring the local guild, state and regional PPA in that order to determine if it fits your needs. I know some heavyweights in PPA that have privately questioned the benefits of PPA.


Please let me know your opinion of this, afterall it is an open forum.

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Many years ago I joined PPA. They had a special for the year half price So I joined. Three months later, my membership was over and I was required to pay full price. I had protested and was told that the membership was until the end of the year only. Nowhere in their ad did it say so. No one in the organization listened to my protest that it was misleading and very crooked. After many protests from me and vows never to join their organization again and not speak highly of them and try and stop others from joining, did they finally insert into their ad that the special was only to the end of the year. By that time, or course, I had been had. I had been had by a group that I put my tust in and wanted to be part of. They took my money and told me that the stuff that they mail me was more than worth the money. Same junk I get in the mail, same article I read everywhere. That kind of people I don't want to be part of. FORGET THEM, THEY ARE USELESS!

As for WPPI, I really have no experience with them, but after PPA, I will not join another organization, until they prove to me they are honest and have genuine interest in the photographer, and not his money. STAY AWAY FROM PPA!

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Wow no one really had anything positive to say about PPA. Well screw it then.

I just thought the legal representation would be nice... but then again they slap you

with the bill afterwards huh? Yea forget it. Sounded to good to be true anyway.

Wonder if the ASMP is like that to?

I will take a look at the WPPI though.

However not sure on joining yet.

Thanks guys

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Wow. I have nothing but good things to say. The equiptment insurance is really reasonable through them, I like the magazine, and I've also gotten clients through them because they list you as a professional photographer on their website. I haven't taken advantage of any conventions yet, but i probably will next year.
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  • 1 year later...
I just attended my second annual Imaging USA conference (run by the PPA). I was very impressed --for the second year in a row. Yes, there are a lot of small town photo studio "guys and gals" but there were some FABULOUS photoshop training seminars, great speakers and expertise on just about every aspect of the Photo studio business. I learned a TON. Having said that -- I realize that the only things I really like about the PPA is the annual convention and the magazine. Both available to non-members. I took their business mgmt courses last year and found them very very basic. So if you have absolutely no business knowledge --be sure and sign up. One thing I didn't see posted here -- the opportunity to compare notes with peers from across the country. I met photographers with businesses like mine who were willing to brainstorm and share tips and technique with me...since we weren't competitors. Can you do that in your hometown Photo group? Just asking.
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