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Ferrania Solaris 35mm film

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Hi, I was wondering what you all thought of ferrania solaris film. They sell it at our dollar

store for (ready for this?) one dollar. It is 200 speed 24 exposures. It is not outdated.

Have any of you tried this film? I have tried other cheap film like polaroid 35mm (agfa?)

that they sell at walmart for $1 200 speed and $1.50 for 400 speed without good results.

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I got this from an EK associate about 2 weeks ago. I have not mentioned it as Ferrania does not come up often here, and I had no reason to bring it up or even look it up.


I was told this in a discussion about Ilford's woes, and it was told me pretty much as I posted it. "It happened, but much more quietly than Ilford".


Thats all I know. I have no personal verification. If my information was wrong, I would be surprised, but you have my apologies if it is actually not true.


Ron Mowrey

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I tried a roll in an Olympus XA2. It seemed very contrasty, but sharp. I can't judge the color too accurately, because the local minilab guy made it clear he had to improvise a channel for the printing, so I don't know whether or not the rather eerie twilit saturation was normal. I haven't tried scanning it myself, but it's definitely a little different. Flash pictures had a lot of pop. I think it has potential for situations where one might want just a little undefinable weirdness in the color.
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  • 1 month later...

I have been very disappointed with this stuff.... Bought at UK cheap shop after hearing about its cheapness on photo.net .I do a lot of sunset and lowlight work - this stuff doesn't seem to be able to deal with low light... I get spotty-grainy effects as if the exposure is torally off the mark. No I have tried 4 rolls and hardly a usable photo in the whole lot. Its not tooo bad ...but maybe my Contax Zeiss lenses are saving the day.. Or mibbee the're too sharp (sombody said that thay make bad film look real bad. Maybe its better with flash?? Even UK store Jessops own film (made by agfa i think) is much better than this.. I long for superia's faithfull colours and reliable LATITUDE (?)


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  • 1 year later...
I ran into this film by chance at a local drug store and found it to rather nice for the price. not a pro-film...what ever that is. if one takes into account...it's the only euro-color film around for the US market....it'a deal. the color palate makes for a nice change of pace. i give it the thumbs up!
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I just got back some of the prints today. All I can say is that it's a bit on the grainy side, color is faithful, very contrasty. The white's did not blow out as I thought it might do. Blue's are rich as fuji are. All in all not bad for a paltry .89 cents a roll.
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  • 8 months later...
I'm fairly happy with Ferrania 200 speed film. I bought a bunch of it a few months ago because it was on sale at Fred Meyer (it's their generic store brand) for < $1 a roll. I would concur with a previous comment that it's not so good for low light and it doesn't tolerate underexposure well. For well exposed shots I like the sharpness and color.
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  • 3 months later...
I just shot some I bought from York recently. It's not half-bad for outdoor use. It's a bit grainy but I thought the color saturation was good. Some of it was shot inside at a soccer tournament and it didn't perform so well there, but it was a weird situation anyway Processed it myself so I can't comment on the commercial processing.
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  • 9 months later...
I say skip it. I got a few Solaris 200 rolls at my bargain store that were just past expired ... disappointing. I also pushed two rolls to ISO 800 just to find out ... also a bad idea. Came out very grainy even for a push with strong reds and greens and little else. Did not handle low light well either at ISO 200 or pushed. Cheap Sensia a much better choice for me.
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