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Light seals other than darkslide??

stephen t

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<p>I've searched for info on areas that need light seals replaced on 500 series bodies and can't find any reference to any serviceable seals other than the darkslide mylar/foam seal. Is that the only seal of concern??</p>

<p>I found a reference to the "infamous" nylon arm used in film indexing, but nothing about body to back seals. I have two bodies, a 500C/M and a 500cx and can find no evidence of pre-existing velvet or foam seals. The backs seem to fit tightly, with no forward/backwards movement, but only the smallest rotary movement. The light trap rails appear well worn, but are still well defined. Are the machined traps sufficient, even after all those years?</p>

<p>And no, I haven't put them to the test with film - they are recent acquisitions and I like to replace seals before a field test. Yes, I do plan to replace the darkslide seals with foam and film as has been discussed on the forum. Isn't there another area that should get some attention before field tests??</p>

<p>Many thanks for any helpful suggestions.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>There are a number of lightseals throughout the camera but it is the darkslide light seal that is most prone to wear. The mirror is cushioned with a material that is similar to the light seals and in my opinion this the next most likely area for there to be a problem. <br>

Look for light entering where the slide goes and also perform a focus check to see if the image plane and screen focus agree.</p>

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<p>Douglas, thanks for the suggestion. </p>

<p>I checked the darkslide seal by removing the darkslide, back attached to the body, and a bright light shone into the body with the mirror and back shutter tripped (performed in the darkroom). I couldn't see a light leak, so for now I think I will leave well enough alone and field test.</p>

<p>Is the only way to focus check without film is to observe the distance scale while focusing?</p>

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  • 3 months later...

<p>I got light leaks between the back and the body because I didn't make sure the back release catch was fully home after fitting the back. Make sure the catch is pushed all the way to the left; there should be NO movment between back and body. This cured my leaks.<br>


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