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Match 105 to Linhof 6x9


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I purchased a Linhof 6x9 from a ret. photog.He was unsure witch model

it is.The number in accessory shoe is 5061073 .The body is paintet

beige it seems to be the same as the model 70 but has a side mounted

r/finder.The cam system is not like the IV as the cams are not linked

from the side .A lever comes out when drawing the lens .Also I like

to know can someone match a cam to an older apo Lanthar 105mm or

should I look for a newer Apo Sironar 100mm .The camera has the

triple cam one of is a 100mm. I appreciate any help .Thanks , Manfred


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Sounds like you have the Linhof Super Technika 23V ca 1979-81, (ask for mr Bob Salomon, he knows exactly).


To match the cam to the lens is the work for very experienced technicians from the Linhof. Buy better a Symmar�S 100mm f5.6 multicoated, which likely the cam is being in your camera for. The great lens that resolves up to 90 lpm at f11, but the coverage is a little less (about 10mm) than the Apo Symmar�s (twice or more cheaper though).


I suggest that the tripled cams in your camera are being for: a S.A. 65mm f5.6, a Symmar-S 100mm f5.6, and a Symmar-S 180mm f5.6, the standard set. It�s impossible to match the 100mm lens cam for the 105mm lens. You have to grind the 180mm lens cam to match it for your 105mm Apo Lanthar. So you will spoil it for a 180mm lens.

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Thanks Victor ,most helpful info.The camera has heen fitted with a Xenotar 80mm f2.8 .The lens is not suitable but it has its own cam and that has two blanc sides .I thought someone might know who could match one side to the 105 mm.Not possible here in Australia. If not I will take your advise and look for the Symmar 100mm .
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I understood that your camera has been fitted with cams for another group of lenses than I mentioned above. Since it has the cam for the 80mm lens it can�t have a cam for another �normal� lens like the Symmar 100mm. So, you will not solve a problem buying the Symmar 100mm as I advised above as there isn�t the cam in the camera to match. It would be better to get the Xenotar 80mm f2.8 for the cam you have. Victor.

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Hi Manfred,


If the camera is fitted with the 80 2.8 Xenotar as the original lens, the triple cam should have one side engraved with the focal length and serial number on it. If the other two sides are not engraved, I cannot see any reason that it cannot be used for other lenses, provided the grinding is done by the right person, and with your camera, new lens sent over for service. In the US, this can be done by Marflex, may be you can check the local service agent in Australia or contact Linhof directly.


One thing to consider for the use of the 80 2.8 Xenotar, it was designed for 6X7 format, not 6X9 (I don't know what film back you are having), if used in 6X9 the coverage may not be enough. For 6X9 application, they supplied the 100 f2.8 Xenotar. Several different types of standard lenses had been supplied for this Technika camera (of different vintages), 80mm included the Xenotar, Planar, 90mm Rodenstock Heligon, 100mm included Xenotar, Planar, Tessar, Symmer, Sironar, 105mm Xenotar, Apo Lanther.


If you can stand the time using the camera with ground glass focusing, the possibilities is unlimited. Just mount the lens with shutter on the proper lensboard, you are ready to go. As a matter of interest, I mounted a Kodak Ektar 100 3.5 lens (taken from the Medalist II camera) on a Technika lens board and found that the lens is fantestic (a five element Heliar type).


If you want to discuss about tricks of using Technika cameras, you can contact me offlist directly.


Have fun with your new toy.



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