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Silvestri Camera


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I am using for my interiors and architectural projects a Silvestri

Bi Cam camera with H20 PhaseOne back. The only problem that I have

is that the Nikon lenses (even the 28 mm)don't fully cover the image

area. I get vignetting, thus no rise and fall movements can be

applied, this also defeats the purpose.How can I get around this,

for as far as I know, this is the only system that allows me to use

my H20 digital back full image/coverage.

Thank you for your input. Theo Tan

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There's not much you can do to change the image size that a lens projects. It's designed into the lens.


Looks like Silvestri sells a 35mm Apo Grandagon lens as well as various longer focal length lenses. I assume these would have larger image circles than 35mm lenses, and would be what you needed to take full advantage of the body.


Any 35mm or similar focal length lens intended for medium format would have a larger image size and allow the shifts, if it can be fitted to the camera.


The Nikon perspective control lenses have larger image circles, but you might have to shift with the lens rather than the camera body to take advante of it.


You can shoot horizontally with a wider lens and then crop to adjust perspective. You obviously lose some image quality doing this.


Since you're doing digital anyway, you can shoot straight on and correct perspective in software. Presumably lose some image quality that route also.

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It seems PhaseOne needs to clarify their tech info.


At first glance, it seems silly to gripe that a 35mm format lens won't cover a MF digital back... but this is claimed by PhaseOne themselves, <a href="http://www.phaseone.com/global/compatibility%20chart/h%2020%20camera%20support%20-%20v.aspx"><u>here.</u></a>

<P>But, they -in the very same specification page, <a href="http://www.phaseone.com/upload/h20_datasheet_us.pdf"><u>here</u></a>- both refer to the H20 as "full frame" and also state that the image area is 36.9mm square.

<P>Last time I checked, a Hasselblad frame is considerably larger than that.

<P>The self-contradiction does help explain the claim that a Nikon (actually, according to them, <i>any</I> Nikon, Canon, Minolta, Pentax, Olympus, or Contax) 35mm format lens will work. They use the term "supported".

<P>Maybe they mean that if you have the camera in the chart, and you use the adapter in the chart, that you can support the lens with it?

<P>It would seem you have a very well-founded beef with PhaseOne; looking at the data presented on their website, it seems clear that they claim that you should expect full coverage without movements. Your Silvestri is not listed as "supported", and the other cameras they list do not have movements. (though I can't find any information on the "D&A DSC").

<P>Claiming full coverage seems to be somewhat optomistic, since the H20 image area is larger than 35mm film -especially when they indicate compatibility with the entire product lines of several manufacturers like they do.

<P>It sounds to me like PhaseOne forgot an asterisk in there.<BR>

*At focus distances less than 1M (?)<BR>

*With appropriate image cropping (?)<BR>

*Stopped down to f:11 (?)<BR>

*Without movements (?)<BR>

*If you like dark, out of focus corners. (?)

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