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Need help choosing a film for a event

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In a little over a week i will be a counselor for a weekend camp that

i have been a part of for many years either as a camper and now as a

counselor. For a couple of years i have been taking photos for the

camps website during camp so parents can see what there kids are

doing during camp, this was mainly just snapshots nothing serious.

during these years i had taken photos during this camp were just for

personal use as memories of camp, but now im in school for

photography and have learned a lot in the past year but doing group

photos isnt something im used to so i need some advice.


here is the situation last year i ended up taking the group and cabin

photos after the doctor that normally took them wasnt on camp as

overnight he had to take one of his patients back to the hospital

after they got sick, so i was asked to take the photos (this was just

before i started my photo program in college) well i ended up using a

roll of superia 400 (i know but it was all i had) and the photos came

out ok (looking back) but could use some room for improvement.


what im needing is advice on what film to shoot these group and cabin

photos since now i know better then sams club multi pack films.


The conditions be at about 9am (for texas shooters this will be in

the area of merdian texas) with sun coming from either over my left

shoulder or a 90degree angle to my left but being diffused by the

trees. also the film needs to be good for caucasian, hispanic, and

african american skin tones through this type of light, yet will be

able to make good enlargements through 8x10 and 11x14.


i prefer fuji films(as this is was i use mainly) but open to others



thanks in advance



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I'd use Fuji NPH which, a pro portrait film. I've been experimenting with this film rated at both 400 and 320 and it produces beautiful 8x12s with no visible grain and realistic skin tones. I think its grain is on par with the slower Portra 160. The additional speed makes it possible to shoot with or without flash. Good luck.
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My son was in camp in July and the camp put photos up on their web site (sounds like the same thing). My son's camp was using a digi something, and this makes it much faster and simpler for daily shots. One thing they also did was to make it possible to buy any of the pictures posted. The biggest problem that I saw with the pictures is that fill flash wasn't used enough. Cabin/shade shots had blown out windows/backgrounds and dark faces. If the camp is going to stick with film, Fuji NPH would be good.
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i do the webpage for this camp to and have done so for several years, and i use a digital for just that and it works very well for what it does. The film ones will be the ones on the other hand will be used for sponsor gifts and for the annual christmas cards, thats why i asked the question here.



so far i have gotten reponcse for NPH, Reala, portra400uc & 160NC anybody else have any reccomendations?



bruce another question what did this camp charge for copies of pictures (4x6,5x7,8x10).

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