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City Colleges Are Getting Expensive


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Hi Everyone, I recently looked into taking another photography course

at some of the local city colleges around LA. Thanks to The

Governator, fees went up once again. One course at Glendale City

College with one extra unit for extra darkroom time would come to

close to $200. This includes parking fees (no street parking

anywhere) plus all the other fees they tack on like health fees and

student body fees all of which I don't need. Most other colleges were

about the same. No wonder so many families worry about how to pay for

their kids education.



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What is it that causes people to think that strangers that they don't even know should subsidise their, or their children's, education?


While we are at it, what other things do you think I should help you pay for?


Do you need help with your car payment?


I paid my college tuition ( privite college) working 4 to midnight as a truck mechanic.


I have a suggestion, why don't try working for what you want instead of whining that other people don't want to give it to you?

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I believe the reasoning behind taxpayer-subsidized education is this: a more educated workforce is more productive, which directly benefits the society that invested in that education.


The countries with the highest standard of living and longest life expectancy have highly subsidized education systems. At the other end of the spectrum are the Banana Republics. I'll choose the first option, thanks.

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I was born into a society that was run by men and women that had just whipped the Germans and Japanese and liberated most of the free world. These were can do people that stood on their own two feet and increased society?s accumulated wealth. If they wanted something they knew how to get it they worked for it.


As I grew up, it was common when you asked a young couple if they had children, to get the answer: ? No, we are waiting till we can afford it and can make a down payment on a house?.


Now young singles have children when they can?t even afford to support themselves and ask, who is going to help them pay for raising the children that they had.


Taxes are collected by force or threat of force. If you are going to send the government next door to take away your neighbors hard earned dollars to pay for a photo course, you certainly should be able to articulate why you are so deserving of his money.


While I agree that an educated work force is better which would you hire. Someone who worked his way through school on his own or someone who has to have taxpayer assistance to take a course in photography.


While, I might be in favor of subsidising a disipline where there is an obvious sociatial need, paying for someone else's photo course just isn't high on my agenda.


I think Arnold is right, modern America has an over abundance of ?girly-men?.

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Marc you girly-man, quit whining about the cost of taking a photography course! Just go back in time to when paychecks were significantly higher in purchasing power than they are today! When it was reasonable for a family with a single income to be able to save up for a house in the Glendale area! They you could pay the full cost for that course!


/ Sarcasm off

Sorry, Marc...I don't have a suggestion for ya. But I bet that $200 will be money well spent.

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LOL Thanks for the comments folks. I was just going through sticker shock. As a S.I.N.K. (single income no kids) I agree to a point about having to pay for other kids educations with my tax dollars, but still I agree that an educated population is better then un uneducated one. BTW, somewhat OT but it made front page headlines that half the population of LA can't read or write. This is said to be mostly illegal immigrants. Now I see why they get in state tuition while American Citizens from out of state get hosed. Not fair but nobody seems to want to curb the immigration problem.


Marc (who works full time for what he want's)

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