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Yet another Marketing Tool, or is it NOT?

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We all know that driving is a part of any wedding photographer. You

always see logos on flowers vans, catering food, and sometimes bands

and DJ's. So why not on photographers car? How many of your have

ever seen a logo or a name with an email address and a phone number

writen all over an event photographer car? I personally think its a

great marketing tool, and very original for a photographer. It

doesn?t cost that much and it really stands out when you

drive. "Wedding/Event Photographer... Call today for appointment?


U get my point. How come we are not using it as a marketing tool? It

really doesn't cost that much to put a bumper sticker with a name

and a number? We advertise that our sons and daughters are honor

roll students, why not say what we do?


What are your views on this topic?



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I plan on making some of those magnetic car signs soon. Then I can take them off if I want. As far as thieves go, just don't be stupid and leave stuff in your car, no matter if you have signs or not. And if for some reason you have to leave stuff in the car, put it out of sight and take the signs off.
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Or have the sign say "We only shoot with film. No digital stuff here."

Your car should be safe. Two years ago my house was broken into. They took the computer and a couple of guns. They didn't touch a one of all the Leica cameras and lenses that were sitting on and under the computer table.

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I'll bet you're correct Anton!


Just kidding about the cell phone stuff!


Seriously, I always have business cards in my car. They can be given out at any time. Maybe I should have a made a postcard piece as well to give out and keep some in my vehicle.


I guess I'm thinking if a conversation should start while I'm out and about I've got something to give out. Having worked in sales for a few years, before I got my wedding business up & going again,

two of the best words to use when opening a conversation and break the ice is I've got something "free," like a brochure, business card or some literature and I've got something "new" to show you.


My best form of non-human advertising is my web site. When we talk and our clients talk about us, that's the best form of advertising!

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Magnetic car signs can actually be quite large. A flower shop around the corner from my place uses one on their delivery vehicle (Focus Wagon). It's about 20x16 inches. I do remember him mentioning problems with dirt scratching the paint if you're not careful.


Just throw it on top of your digital camera or memory cards when you take it off :)

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Thanx Bill...I always have business cards handly during the wedding, and always keep some in my car. I actually leave them on my table everytime i finish eating and paid for a check. I know that 95% will be trown out, but you never know. I get them done cheaply, so dont mind at all. I love my cards and they are fun to give out...


Ill post my business car later on today!



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As far as I'm concerned, there are a lot of photographers who put their names, web addresses, & etc on their cars.<br>

I have my web address written on my car, in two different locations.<br>

I will be extremely happy it this can bring me one inquiry every year.<br>

I'll let you know when I see the results.<br>

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Hold on a minute. Before you get your car tattoo with so-and-so Photography make sure your city business permits are up to date. Having your name on the side of your car screams at local officals that you're doing business in their town. If you aren't up to date with EVERY city that you shoot in you could get in trouble. I've seen a photographer get burned for this before. Of course, I'm sure everyone here is fine...

Just a friendly warning.

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There is some nice tax right-off incentives when it comes to advertising with your

vehicle. A rolling billboard you can right off. However, it feels to me that putting

advertising on your car can actually cheapen yourself. I always thought the way to

grab the attention in style would be to have a nice old classic refurbished late 50s or

60s type car. When it's parked at the church people would ask if that is what they are

driving off in, and the conversation would be no that is the photographer's car...total

style. Also you would stand out in the city driving around and people would start to

associate the car with the photographer which is the type of person that knows about

beautiful things in liife....unfortunately for me I currently drive a Dodge Neon and rely

heavily on my photographs to proclaim my style.

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I've actually seen this on a few cars/vans for videographers/photographers. I saw one just

this weekend who actually had the decals on the windows. Pretty effective, I agree. Then

you also have to make sure you get a memorable phone number or website because most

people aren't going to take the time to write it down!

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I have magnetic signs on my car, and they do work. Yes, they look cheap, but I usually get past any negative perceptions during the interview process with the bride and groom. I get 1-2 calls per quarter from the signs, and have landed a few weddings (should be more successful now that I have a website listed). It's also great when you need to meet clients on location. They see your signs and pull up right next to you.


I agree about the name of your business - when you're doing 75 mph down the interstate, the guy next to you probably isn't going to take the time to write down information unless he really enjoys hitting telephone poles. The name of my business used to be McCallister Photography, but nobody could ever remember it! Or how to spell it! So when we went legit/full time (i.e, not a hobby related business), I changed it to Southern Cross Photography and registered the name. That's the name people remembered the most and longest when we tested it out on folks. Now I've got people who remember the name and they can easily find my website.


As to stealing stuff, just don't keep anything in your car worth stealing. Most thieves look before they start smashing windows. You can bolt a large metal or wood trunk to the floor of your trunk to keep photo stuff in - and lock it up.


I completely agree a professional lettering job is the way to go. Much better than signs.


And I disagree that you need to be registered in every town you visit or do business in if you have signs on your car. As long as you have a registered business address, an occupational license and business insurance, and you are charging and remitting sales tax in the county you deliver your services, you should be good to go. Some states require you to have the vehicle registered as a commercial vehicle and a commercial plate, but it's rare to get pulled over. Check the rules with DMV. Every realtor and Mary Kay consultant in town would be getting tickets. In Florida it's not a problem. We're all hicks down here anyway, right? Just y'all wait until the election this year!

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I'm not sure I agree or disagree with doing it, but keep one thing in mind: Don't drive like an idiot! I got cut off by a realtor the other day. I know her name and which agency she works for because of the nice big magnetic sign on the side of her car. When I get ready to sell my house I know who I'm NOT going to call.
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I was thinking the same thing as Steve about "driving style." I try to be reasonably courteous on the road, but those times I'm not, I'd rather that my name and phone number not be listed on my car. My main concern, though, is theft and attempted theft. I've had my car broken into a couple of times--each time, it's $100 and a hassle to have the window fixed even when nothing valuable is stolen. I have serious doubts about whether people contact photographers based on a sign they saw on someone's car.


(And regarding the "stupid" thieves who took Al's guns and computer but left his Leica: stolen goods are only as valuable as what you can get for them on the market for illicit goods. Guns are very valuable. Computers are also easy to fence. An off brand like Leica will probably bring you less than a Canon Rebel.)

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Magnetic car signs for sure. I've been using one for my business for a couple years. Just make sure they're not cheap and have good magnetic properties. I lost my first one just driving down the road withing my first week. I.E., don't pick one up at a flea market stand! When you're done for the day, stuff it in the trunk.
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al, w.eugene smith leica`s were stolen from his car once. he found them at a

pawn shop,with the film inside! and the idiots took pictures of each other

before selling them...!

a guy i know was once taking pictures with his brand new M6 in downtown

mexico city when a guy with a gun asked for all his stuff. he gave him his

wallet,his watch,but he refused to take "that piece of s*** ", the leica...

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