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Picture Windows Pro questions

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I am using the 30 day trial of PWP, and overall i have liked it thus

far, but I have a couple of questions...


1) Can you somehow view the histograms when adjusting levels like you

can in photoshop


2) I know that each manipulation creates a new 'layer' that is a

separate image, is it possible to go back in your workflow several

steps and make an adjustment that will still apply to the subsequent

layers, or if you want to make an adjustment several layers back do

you have to redo the subsequent layers?

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1. Use the Transformation -> Gray -> Brightness curve function. Click the second button below the Opt button. This shows both the input and output histograms. It starts with only two control points, but you can add your own, making it a Photoshop levels on steroids with all the control of the curves command (although it can't do negative slopes). See the following page.




2. PWP doesn't really do "layers", it simply creates a new image when you apply a transformation. This is sort of like the Photoshop history, except that you get to delete the ones you don't need/only keep around the ones you do need.

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