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Black and White Prints Now Lighter

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Our printer for general use is the HP 6122. It actually does a very

nice job on small black-and-white prints, particularly using HP

Premium Plus Matte paper.


Lately I've noticed that the prints are slightly, but noticeably,

lighter. (Same images, same settings.)


The black and white cartridge is 75% full, and I've cleaned (but not

primed) the nozzles. The cleaning test print indicates no problem.

(Although the difference in tone is slight enough that test probably

would not show the difference.)


After working online with the HP tech rep, my conclusion is that the

only thing it can be is paper variation. Does anyone have any

different thoughts?





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Thank you! Given where I live, I would think that it would be less humid now then when I was making the prints before (Winter), but you've pointed out how "small" changes like climate etc. can affect the paper. I'm sure that this is the culprit (or part of it.)



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Further findings - I printed a color image on glossy paper. The original print was only from late June. This one appears slightly washed-out and veiled vis-a-vis the print from only two months ago.


Given that this is different paper, and the comparison print is also from this summer (same climate), I'm back to thinking it's the printer.


The one step I haven't taken is to "prime" the nozzles. The warning says it takes a lot of (expensive) ink, and the standard test pages look fine.


Can anyone explain what "priming" is and whether it might be likely to address the problem?


Any other thoughts?





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