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Recommendations on renting Mamiya lens in NYC


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I've searched the forums here and found one response (Calumet) so I'm hoping to get any

other recomendations on a place that will rent a 50mm C and 180 KL lens for a Mamiya

RB67 in New York city. I'll be there for a week and a half and it seems that it'll be nice to

have more than just my 90mm w/ me...


And while I'm at it... I've heard that since 9/11, it's no longer a good idea to carry film with

you anymore when traveling by plane as the x-ray machines, for good reason, are

cranked-up so high now that it will damage any film. I'm assuming there a plenty of places

in NYC to get 120 film developed so it would be an added bonus to go to a place that both

rents and develops films.


Thanks in advance!


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Try Lens and Repro on 17th street between 5th and 6th (in the "photo district) for the rental. They're not open weekends (and most of the

NYC pro shops aren't, either), but that means you can rent over

the weekend for the day price. I think they rent Mamiya, but I'm

not 100% sure.


NYC has LOTS of good places to get film processed; most of the photo

district places do 1-3 hour E6 turnaround and some are open

late. I've used Flatiron (on 17th) with good success, although I've not used them in a while (since moving out of the City).


I fly a lot (weekly), often with lots of film and camera gear.

NEVER pack unprocessed film in checked baggage; the new Xray screening on checked baggage will reliably

fog or compltely fry it. You can get away with one or

two hand luggage xrays of most low speed film, but you can also

ask to have it hand inspected. The TSA people are usually more

professional about following this policy than the pre-9/11 rent-a-cops used to be. They may try to tell you it's "perfectly safe". Explain that you're not shooting at the rated speed; they will relent and hand inspect it, usually before you finish explaining. (Fortunately, if you're going to NY, there are probably more places to buy film and have it processed than wherever you're coming from, so this need not be an issue for you).


You can't usually carry on your tripod, but most other photo gear will get past the carryon inspection with no problems.

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Calumet (www.calumetphoto.com) and Lens and Repro (www.lensandrepro.com) would be the main options for rentals. There are a few others.


Best price on film is from B&H usually (bhphoto.com). You'll probably want to go there anyway. Many of the labs and rental houses also carry film if you prefer convenience over price, and there's also Adorama.


I like Modernage for film processing (locations at www.modernage.com), but Baboo and Duggal are also big pro houses, and there are many other smaller ones that are good like Chelsea Color Lab, Flatiron, Coloredge and for B&W MVLabs.

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  • 1 month later...

Just in case anyone is searching the archives for this, here's what I found in NYC.


1) RZ equipment rentals only; no RB stuff


2) I went to Flatiron and while they were great, turnaround time was 3 days; L&I, on 17th &

5th Avenue had a 24-hour turnaround and in fact, it seems Flatiron outsources to them

for 120 film development and proofs.


3) Expect to pay almost *twice* as much in NYC -- no surprise I guess but development +

proof was $15. I generally pay about $8-$9 in San Francisco.


4) Who says film is dead?! There was a line to buy film at Calumet when I went and L&I was

packed with photographers dropping off film for development and folks looking over their

chromes using their light tables.


Back from NYC,


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