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Flash for 20D


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Hi all, I have a question regarding flash for my new 20D. i have

read reviews on the 580EX is an excellent flash to go with the 20D

but i was thinking more of the 420EX. I am not really into flash

photography but need one just for those rare occassion. I wanted to

know what are the limitations of the 420EX as compared to the 580EX

on a 20D.Thanks

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I agree with Godfrey's assessment, but I don't find the lack of manual controls on the 420 a drawback, since everything I need (and all you may need for your "rare occasion" use) is provided in the 20D's controls.


One point to be aware of is that the 420EX won't provide AF assist using any of the four diagonal AF sensors on the 20D, only the five in the "cross" pattern:



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If you're a light flash shooter, the 420EX is good. Most of the time, flash exposure compensation (controlled on the camera body) is all the control you need. If you're a heavy flash shooter and you use it a lot, the 580EX might be a better choice. But for casual shooting with flash on "rare occassions", you won't be missing anything if you got the 420EX.
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May I join the wagon ? I am looking for a flash specifically for MACRO photography, either a ring flash on the lens or 2 flashes mounted on each side of the lens. Will either of the mentioned flashes have an accessory ring flash or which flash should I consider ?

I am using the 20D exclusively with manual focus mainly Leica lenses, without Canon electrical contacts of course.

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Thanks guys for all your advise/comments. I definitely would go for the 420EX and save me some $. AS for the built-in flash that Giampiero mentioned, I have not thought about it/used it yet. But just for thoughts, I'm just wondering if the built-in flash would be too harsh since it is shooting directly without the capability to bounce off walls/ceilings and you can't add difusers to it. As I am still new to this, any thoughts from all would be apprecaited.
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>>I'm just wondering if the built-in flash would be too harsh<<


You could actually diffuse it by placing a custom made, white cardboard on it. A simple rubber band will keep in place. I have done the same on my 10D on occasion, when I didn't want to carry my 550EX.


But, from what you are saying it looks to me that you do like a little soft light every now and then :)


I would say this: try the method I suggested above, if it works for your occasional flash that's great otherwise, read on.


The 420EX will work but, it does have some limitations which may or may not be relevant if you will at any time decide to use an ST-E2 with a two (or more) flash setup. If you don't think you'll be doing any of this then the 420EX is fine since it will do High Speed sync as well as allowing the same head movements as the 550/580.


The one thing I really like about the 550EX is that it can be used with *total* manual control. But, I do a lot of flash work so, you may not be interested in that feature.


Also, the NEW 580EX has some features fine-tuned for the 20D which some really like (such as the ability to know the crop factor of the camera, communicating the color balance). Personally, I don't care about any of it as I zoom the head manually and set the K value manually on my camera. I am a manual type of guy, I guess...

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I bought a 420ex not too long ago and love it. The on camera flash was inadequate for bounce IMO. I initially intended to start with the 420 and if things progressed I'd pick up a 550 or 580 for dual flash and sync the 420 to it. Now I figure if I need more light a single Alien Bee 400 sounds like it can sync off the 420 or a PC cord and will give me a lot more light...just Ideas, before I start buying stuff I'll read some books on lighting techniques. The 420 is a great flash for amatures and hobbiests. Probably not enough for the pros but thats ok too.
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I would not even consider the 420EX for a Canon 20D. I have purchased the 420EX flash with my Canon Digital Rebel, but recently upgraded it to the 580EX. The 580EX is SOOOOO much better.

Reason why:

manual controls

head tilts and swivels with ony one button can be done with one hand.

Swings both directions

has built in bounce panel

support FEC, 2nd curtain sync, macros,etc.

Jog dial is easier to use.

lights on panel let you see settings at night.

External Hi voltage capable for external batter pack, pack is only $125 and allow resync from 4 sec to 1.5.

Almost the same size as 420EX but much more powerful.

Is master to 420ex.


ETC. I will bet that with a 20D over the lifetime of your camera you will eveuntually end up with the 580EX it would be a real shame if you didn't the 20D and 580EX are perfectly matched for each other.

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Not everyone needs every feature or manual control. A lot of my buying decisions around a product relate more to the use and aesthetics than the features of a product. If it has 25 buttons and does 45 things but I have to get the manual out each time I want to use it then its no good for me.


Secondly, price. As a hobbiest who likes to take pictures, no I'm just a GWC - guy with camera. I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing behind that camera - I cannot justify $480 for a little black box that goes "poof" and a bright light is emitted. I have a great income but $480 for a flash? Then, just to use the thing correctly I need to break out the manual - hmmm,


"Excuse me <model> could you just hold that pose there for a bit? I'm going to adjust my flash. (fumbling with manual - how to adjust power output by 1/3 stop? hmmm) Hold on, sorry this is taking so long...(flip flip flip)" Yeah that'd be embarrasing and an unrealistic extreme. Besides I'm a technical person by nature and I can remember stuff like that - I still believe in the KISS theory - keep it simple stupid! If I don't need the features why pay for them? I'm ecstatic over the 420ex and at the store I had all 3 out, the 420, 550, and 580...very nice flashes - way more than I needed.


My final point - As a hobbiest I am humbled regularly by others both hobbiest and professionals alike. When I learn of the simple tools they use to accomplish an image with such emotion and power to strike me. They can't afford or don't have the latest and greatest equipment like me and others - how do they do it with less stuff? How do they pull of such phenominal work with less functional gear? I believe its skill and talent purely. Besides - photography IMO is an art not a science. We can learn not only to make due with less, some have the skill and talent to just blow everyone else away with very limited resources. Having the latest and greatest googlepixelthingamajig does not make one a photographer or even a good photographer better. It just says you can spend money.


Many people like the 580, I really liked it, but I can't justify it. The 420 is sufficient. Even the Sigma brand flashes are sufficient for a hobbiest.

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Very good point Andrew, I totally agree with you. As for Giampiero, I will try out what you have suggested with the built-in flash and see if it will work for me on those "rare occassion". Thanks guys for all your honest opinions/comments.
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