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How Well Does the Hasselblad 501CM Series Work With Digital Backs?

steve williams

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In my incessant questions on the various medium format camera

systems, I've just about decided to be sure to get one that will

accept digital backs in the future. (In the advent that digital

backs drop in price one day to less than a car...)


Anyway, do any of you use a digital back with a Hasselblad 50x

series camera? If so, how do you like it?


(Maybe the RZ Pro IID would be a better digital-option camera.)


Of course, this is assuming any companies will be making digital

backs for existing film cameras in the future.


Thanks for any help,


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"How Well Does the Hasselblad 501CM Series Work With Digital Backs?"


You'd need to connect the lens's PC socket to the digital back with another cable. This is required as the back has to be "told" when the shutter's open and it's time to wake-up and do its job.


Silvestri offer some interesting analogue/digital accessories in this area. You may want to explore their web site.

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I use a 501CM, but have only seen it demonstrated. The digital back must be used connected to a computer device and with a connection to the lens PC socket. Cumbersome, but as Hasselblad promises, they try to maximise backward compatability. You just need to rememeber that the 501cm is an all mechanical device.


The Hasselblad merger with Imacon announced last week is a great move. It brings Hasselblad directly into the forefront of pro digital capability. A better move for all traditional Hasselblad equipment owners rather than these weaker licencing deals companies like Leica have done in the past.

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