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Looking for info on scenic drives in Ontario


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I plan to go to Niagara Fall / Toronto area early next month, hoping

to see fall colors. I have got some suggestions as to where to go in

the area, like Niagara Escarpment, Lake Huron/Georgian Bay,

Collingwood, Beaver Valley, Peterborough, Haliburton, Ridea Lakes,

Mono Lake, Shelburne, Hockley Valley... BUT, for the life of me, I

just can't find any information on the net as to the scenic drive

route in these areas. Could anyone point me to the right web sites or

any other resources?





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If you are planning to visit places as widely spaced apart as Niagara Falls, Peterborough and Haliburton, make sure you get estimates from someone on travel time based on date and time. Traffic conditions between Niagara Falls and Peterborough for instance can quite often mean multiple hours increase in travel time. Many people underestimate distances when visiting Ontario.


<A href=http://www.algonquinpark.on.ca/>Algonquin Provincial Park (link)</A> is a huge, pristine natural area just north of Haliburton/Bancroft area, where you could immerse yourself in hilly, leafy wilderness for weeks on canoe or on foot.<br>

A Google search for "ontario driving tour october" turned up this <A href=http://soto.on.ca/traveller/drivingtours.htm>list of driving tours (link)</A> including <b>Blazing Autumn Colours in the Beaver Valley</b>, along with other interesting links.

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BTW, Algonquin Park has a <A href=http://www.algonquinpark.on.ca/geninfo/fall.html>Fall Colour Update</A> page which says, "The peak of fall colour usually occurs in the last week of September, or the first week of October. The intensity of the colour varies from year to year and it is currently too early to predict when the peak may occur and how intense the colours may be this year."<br>

More southern areas will peak 1 to 3 weeks later ...

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The Beaver Valley is a good idea. While in the area don't neglect Devil's Glen Provincial Park, which is just east of Singhampton. You'll find Singhampton on the road from Shelburne to Collingwood.


Devil's Glen is where the Mad River cuts through the Niagara Escarpment and it is quite impressive. It's also the highest point in southern Ont, so the view is pretty good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For Fall color, I usually take 401 east from Toronto, then turn north

on Hwy 35, to Haliburton, Minden, then turn to Hwy 60 to Algonquin Park. Hwy 35 and 60 have the longest stretch of colorful maples

on both side of the road, with plenty of lakes along the way; these

are the best scenic drives in Ontario<p>


Closer to the city, take Hwy 9 west towards Orangeville, before reaching orangeville take the country scenic drive to Hockey Valley

Resort, nice colors too.

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