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Paint for retouching Canon white lenses?


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A couple of years ago I asked the guys from CPS this same question. And if they would sell the paint or at least have the RAL or FS number. Their answer was that it was a special two component paint which was applied with a special procedure. So I guess the best option would be to buy a small tin of paint from a model shop, used to paint model cars or planes. You'll probably have to mix it a bit to get the exact color. I do have the feeling that not all the L-lenses over the years had the exact same color anyway.
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I just spent two days with a very very hot Model Airplane expoy thinner removing a thick coat of OD green enamal paint with about a can of Flat black enamal spray paint using steel wool and Qtips and a rag off of a Canon 600mm f4.5 nFD and I can tell you they COATING Canon used on the FD lenses at least ain't no damn paint of any kind. It is at the very least a two part Epoxy or Urethane type material. It is put on with at least two levels the first coat is put on smooth and even then a second coat of textured material is applied over top of it.


I have gone to the hobby shop and looked at racks and racks of paint NONE of them match the GRAY paint sorry that is what Canon calls it not white. It took some very careful mixing to comeup with something that would look a little like the pain on my 500mm f4.5L S.S.C. that I touched up.


The 600mm f4.5 nFD is still in the process of being restored. And I doubt I will try touching it up just to much wear on it.


And I'll bet you Canon took as much R&D to decide what coating to use on their "white" lenses as most car makers do.

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