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Photoshop Elements to CS Upgrade?

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Well, do you have a great printer? Epson is selling the 1280 for $399, plus they are offering a $100 rebate, include PS Elements, and offer "a special price upgrade to the full version of Adobe Photoshop CS". No further details on the website, but check with them before buying. I bought a 1280 from them last year with the special upgrade offer for PS 7, only the offer certificate was way expired when the printer arrived. They wouldn't help me in any way when I complained. Caveat emptor.<p>Anyway, you can see the current offer at <a href="http://www.epson.com/cgi-bin/Store/consumer/consDetail.jsp?BV_UseBVCookie=yes&oid=28907797">http://www.epson.com/cgi-bin/Store/consumer/consDetail.jsp?BV_UseBVCookie=yes&oid=28907797</a>
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I went the same route with the Epson 1270, only my upgrade was valid and allowed me to get the full version of Photoshop for 299. The best part was I returned the 1270 to Epson Customer Service for a full refund after about 11 months because of the orange shift problem and then bought the 2000p. Either way each upgrade after that cost about 100-150 bucks. Now is a good time though because PS CS is a whole lot better for digital users than it used to be. Version 7 will serve most needs for the new user and you might get that cheaper than the CS version. I've also heard that you can try and find an old version of PS at a computer show with a valid serial number, once you have that you can get the upgrade for 150, but can you trust the folks at these shows to give you an unregistered product that hasn't already been used to upgrade?
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When I went to 5.5 and 6.0 I had to use the old serial number, now they give you a new serial number and it works if you have it already installed but it checks for it. Not sure what would happen if you didn't have it installed, but if it just asked for an older CD the computer show route might work.
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