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She is cool (hot)


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My neighbour is alcohol addicted so he wouldn't manage to push it but any photographer could do good photos with this girl, she's simply got it, you don't have to spend a whole day to get 10 decent photos.
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it's a great image, regardless of pushing buttons and fingernals. i look at one thing, those eyes. backdrop is lit properly, even soft lighting...maybe it had something to do with her, but mostly i think it's your experience and style. check your other mail Igor...
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Igor, I grew up as friend with a Polish American family in Boston,(the home of recent poltical convention;friend Felix's home always had a sweet and sour kielbasa/kapusta cooking smell. In Hawaii we have a local sausage called simply Portuguese Sausage. Good kick to it this Portugues sausage,no kielbasa I know about here. I have not had kielbasa since teenager,but... with a Heineken I can taste it right now in my head!Regarding la femme du jour of yours: As they say in LA,"the camera loves her." Me too:-), Nice work,nice model,good collaboration. Aloha. GS
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She looks like a young Natasia Kinski,remember her(?),famous Avedon shot of N.K.nakes with a boa constrictor-great photo you would like if you have not seen it, Igor. Eve in the Garden thing. But I Natasia was maybe German,or maybe not.Klaus, her dad,supposed to be a Casanova type,was. But what do I know of this kind of jet set world.
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