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Speak REALLY S-L-O-W-L-Y to me, because I still don't get it.

I look at my list of interesting people or my folders, for example.

Some of the names are blue...some are purple. And I don't recognize a pattern, as to why some of the names are blue and some are purple.

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Primarily, the "visited" color (purple) will remain until the browser decides it doesn't need to remember it. For example, my settings are to keep history for 20 days. So after 20 days (on my browser), those purple links will start turning blue again.




I've been in the computer field for too many years to mention. Sometimes I don't get the pattern either. There are plently of times where I know for a fact I've visited a link, yet it stays blue.


The long and short is these colors are visual clues to let you know you've already gone there. Most of the time they are correct. Other times not.

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Tiffany, this is standard specification behaviour from the early HTML days. These days, most sites, to have better control over how things look, overwrite this behaviour using so called "Stylesheets" (CSS) and this is why you don't often see it anymore.


Using CSS, a website can make links look like normal text if you so wish (bad idea!), simply fix the colour (good idea) or, like photo.net does as well, only underline links when you hover over them. (standard HTML links would always be underlined)

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