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Mamiya 6 -- Retraction Question


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I'm looking at an M^ body for possible purchase but don't have a

lens. I noticed that the retraction mechanism when pulled out does

not click into position. Instead, it moves in and out, and it does

not seem to matter whether the button is engaged. Again, this is

without a mounted lens. Is this right? Thanks.

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I tried it without body cap and lens. If pulled out from the outside, it is like you described. This comes because the mechanism is a double (inner and outer) retraction. If you pull out the outer part, the inner part remains retracted. You have to open the courtain on the bottom of the body, open the camera from behind, pull then the outer part from the camera front and push (very carefully) the inner part from behind until it clicks. Then it is fixed. By the way, that is the only possibility to attach a lens, because the lens can be attached with the retraction mechanism out only.





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