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Robert Frank documentary tonight


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I was a student at the International Center of Photography, where his work is admired very

much. I am also into the moving image, so I had viewed his documentary about the

Rolling Stones. The title contains an expletive (It's called "C---sucker Blues"), and I didn't

actually say the name. I called it "your documentary on the Stones tour."


I basically told him all of the above. He said nothing. I then chatted a bit, told him how

difficult it was to even SEE the documentary nowadays. He said absolutely nothing, made

no facial expressions. I commented that the tour must have been so crazy, and it must

have been really amazing to try to photograph something like that. Zero. I told him that

I'd studied "The Americans" in virtually every photography class I had taken. He may have

smiled and nodded, he really said nothing. He then introduced me to someone sitting

next to him. I said, "Well, it was a thrill meeting you. Best of luck to everything." He kind

of smiled and maybe said Thanks. It was hard to read. I just didn't know what to make of

it, other than the fact that he seemed to stare at me very blankly.


No, I did not ask him abou bokeh and I'm not sure why you feel the need to be rude to me

when I'm only relating an anecdote.

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I need to expand a bit on my previous post. Around here there is (or used to be) the contingency who think HCB was a crotchedy, irrascible coot. Those here who think Frank rude and distant. These people are photographers. All they really wanted to do was take photos. In a discussion of Lines of my Hand (a Frank book) he stated he HAD to take the images...to excise old demons (amongst other things). I don't think they ever went out photographing with "this is going to make me famous and people will flock to my feet" attitude. Their fame is partly in our (the veiwers) minds. Really, why can't they have an 'off' day, or just not feel like being sickenly sweet once and a while. Try approaching about half the sports 'heroes' out there when their on their own time enjoying a meal at a restaruant and see what your reception may be. Why should a photographer be any different.
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One of the most moving moments in the documentary was when Frank

confessed his feelings of guilt about the way he failed to communicate with

his son. Maybe this is an example of someone who is not always very

comfortable articualting emotions to others even if they are his nearest and



Throughout the programme Frank repeatedly referred to the lonely people or

loneliness in his photos. I don't he was ever likely to be extrovert in front of

the cameras.


Is it too much to suggest that this is a case of someone who finds it easier to

express himself through his photos or movies?


One of the odder sequences in the film was when Frank professed his utter

admiration for the freeform monologue that Kerouac improvised for Pull My

Daisy. Personally, I thought it was pretentious drivel and found it painful to

watch the clip they featured.


Oh, well. To each his, or her, own :)

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I do not think either of my posts were intended to be critical of Frank. I do believe I said

that everyone's entitled to an off day. And I would not compare him to a sports hero who

can't eat a meal. I was merely reporting an anecdote.


Of course, there's Brad, who thinks I obviously have nothing to say about photography

other than whether the man prefers "black or chrome."

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Steve: My sincere apologies to you. I mistakenly thought the <I>He seemed extremely

quiet and unresponsive to questions</i> Ray referenced was a comment regarding

Franks demeanor during the UK interview - not from your meeting with him. My comment

wasn't directed to you, but to what I thought was probably the questions presented by the

interviewer. Charlie Rose asked HCB some annoying questions, and I was playing on that.


Again, I apologize.

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