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Paterson Interfit Combo Pro 1200


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I need two powerful monolights (>1000 Joules each) for product and

portrait photography. After some search on the WEB, I found the <a


Paterson Interfit Combo Pro 1200</a> monolights to be affordable,

having all the features I need, and taking inexpensive



Since I couldn't find any opinion on the WEB, does anybody here have

experience with these monolights? Any information about flash

duration and color temperature? The producer is not specifying these

parameters, and the color temperature is an issue to me, since I plan

to use slides too, not only my 10D.<br><br>


Thank you.<br><br>

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Here's a thread with my impression of the Interfit Colorflash 500S monolights. I rented a pair this summer and was very impressed with the quality and ease of use. Didn't even need to crack the instruction manual and got great results using NPZ and Kodacolor Gold 100.




I'd planned to rent some Elinchromes but they were already rented out. Now that I've used and liked the Interfits I'd probably ask for them again.


Color temperature seemed fine for the color negative films I was using (which included some ambient gelled stage lighting).


No idea about flash duration - couldn't find it listed anywhere in the specs. I read one opinion on photo.net that the duration was not suitable for freezing extremely fast motion. I'm not sure that would be a factor for portraiture, most product or other commercial photography.

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  • 4 months later...

I've shot with the Interfit Combo Pro 700, as well as a number of other Interfit monolights.

I'm afraid that while I love the ColorFlash for its ease of use, I can't say the same of the

Combo Pro.


I bought a kit through B&H that includes two Combo Pro 700 flashes, as well as a softbox

and reflectors. The kit was supposed to include cases, but none arrived. In addition, one of

the flashes was DOA. The remaining flash worked, but there were no instructions in the kit

and frankly the user interface on the Combo Pro flashes is VERY opaque. (Note: I'm a

computer geek. I love to press buttons. I usually figure out gadgets in seconds. This thing

kicked my butt). B&H is still in the process of making everything right (no hassles from

them, but they had to special order the necessary stuff from Paterson). We'll see if it all

works out.


So, while the flash worked, I'd say that the ColorFlash is far easier to use. I've been using a

ColorFlash with a softbox as the primary light for portraiture and getting really good

results. I'm attaching a studio shot taken with two Interfit ColorFlash units and a Canon

EOS 20D using a Sekonic light meter.<div>00BKT1-22112884.jpg.4ed72bdf6bb7df88d4f8281dcec2e70d.jpg</div>

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