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Are you a Leica photographer and live in/near Brighton (not UK)

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i've been photographing brighton beach (england) for the last 3

years. shooting only black and white and with leicas. i want to make

contact with other photographers (pro or amateur) with a view to

create a short term cooperative of photographers to work on the

following projects;

1. 24 hrs in brighton.. (we all shoot for 24hrs!)


2. an exhibition of images under the title 'this is brighton'. this

will include images from the 24 hr project and those that we have

already shot by the time an exhibition is ready to show. ideally this

will become a travelling show...


3. a book... i've published 1 book and co written another so i have a

little experiance.


all 3 projects will require time and money... the 24hr project could

happen within the next month.. the exhibition will take at least a

year. it would be ideal to publish the book to coincide with the

exhibitions etc... its possible that a book publisher could be found

but i would rather self publish..


i have in mind certain criteria for the project...


1. the project is about a place called 'brighton' wherever in the

world that may be.. (england, usa, oz, nz etc..) as i believe

brighton (england) is the first ever brighton and its by the sea the

project should be about anywhere thats called brighton and is by the



2. all images must be shot with leica glass.. (voightlander and hexar

bodys can be used).


3. all images will be reproduced as b&w... i would prefer that all

images were shot on b&w film...


4. no digital! if your interested





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"2. all images must be shot with leica glass.."


Why? What has that got to do with anything that's real or important? It justs reduces the project to geek level, and excludes people and their work, however good it may be.



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I also think that restriction is a bit nutty. Since Minolta teamed up with Leitz back in the early 70's some "Leica" glass has been made and designed by Minolta and other Japanese companies. What about the Schneider designs maketed under the Leitz marque? The Zeiss Hologon? Angenieux zooms?
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I can see from your pictures that you're no geek. But I think that prioritising style and technique over form and content, and excluding people without Leicas (unless you are prepared to lend yours out?), is not going to help you put together a significant work.


There is an on-line project called 'Family of Man 2' which states that (I paraphrase) 'all pictures should show something of humanity and be taken with Leica cameras'. Missing the point or what - especially given the aims of the original exhibition, from which it takes its' name?


But good luck. I'm very fond of Brighton (Sussex).



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i dont want to appear snobby or as a gear freak!!! (both of which i am most certainly not)..


quite simply this project for anyone interested is about creating a set of images about brighton (oz, nz, usa etc.) using b/w film and using leicas... for exhibitions and possibly a book...


if i said it was open to anyone i would be flooded with offers... i've kept it very specific for these reasons...

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<i>"if i said it was open to anyone i would be flooded with offers..."</i>

<p>... offers from real photographers who are advanced enough to know that the camera, lens and format really don't matter. But it's your idea and your event, and if you want it to look that stupid and elitist then hey, what can I say...

<p><i>"i dont want to appear snobby or as a gear freak!!!"</i>

<p>You sure fooled me.

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Hello Stewart. I live near Brighton in Melbourne, Australia. I think your concept has promise but it would be good to hear more details.


I agree with some other forum entries in stating that only using images shot with Leicas is rather limiting. I can understand if it was a marketing exercise by Leica, but it is unusual as an open independent project. I happen to use a Leica every now & then, but also use other camera types. Of course, people could always enter images and just pretend they were taken with a Leica!


I would also be interested to hear what you intend to do with regards to usage rights & fees, since it appears you intend to use the images for publication & potentially profit from it. I feel this will be more of a sticking point with most photographers.

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"I feel terribly left out... :-("


Dear Matthew, do not despair. Here's a quick guide on how to participate:


1) Pretend that you have an M6 with a 28, 50 and 90 (plenty of lens names and models to be found in this forum)


2) shoot at 28/35/50/90mm (or other equivalent focal lengths if you are using medium format or digital)


3) Send the images


If the photos are good and they get turned down because he finds out they were shot with a Nikon/Canon/Mamiya/whatever then it is his loss and I'd really like to hear the reasoning behind it. In fact, given that files will have to be submitted as digital files in the end (for the book), I would assume that it is digital files he'll need (unless he wants the film shipped from NZ to the UK...). So I'd like to see how he spots the non-Leica files from the Leica ones and even the dSLR files from the scanned ones.



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interesting comments from the leica forum...


thanks for something a little more positive from kelvin (you have an email waiting).


the group of photographers located in/close to anywhere called brighton will be a cooperative... meaning we share costs and also share any profits!


it just so happens that making it restrictive to a specific brand (see also the family of man project) and only b/w means that apart from the aesthetics of the image all images should have a similar look when edited together etc... at the back of my mind restricting to leica only (glass) there is a marketing reason.. its possible that leica will be interested in the marketing of the project and 'we' may even get help with exhibition space etc.. who knows...


i didnt want the issue of using only leica to become a problem... hence the posting on this leica forum but it appears there are people here who have nothing better to do. i want to do the project and just wanted to make contact... if you have comments which are negative why waste your time on here?


for those photographers who are interested in the project its all about the collaboration and creation of images from a specific place with the same name 1000's of miles apart.. by photographers who believe in the project and want to make it work... if you dont use leica i'm sorry... why not start your own brighton beach project..?


regards profits etc from the project... the plan is to cover our own costs (film, d&p and printing etc..) and share exhibition costs etc. as a whole.. we will get an income back from the possibility of magazine repros and print sales and maybe even an online gallery with a sales option.


we need to have oz, nz and ny covered as a minimum meaning 4 photographers which is a quarter split of costs..


contact me if your interested...<div>0098Rq-19148984.jpg.79296823236df83b1cb11cc590774ed6.jpg</div>

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