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Scan mounted slides with or without the protective clear plastic?

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Maybe I didn't explain the situation to well. Let me try again. Each slide is inside of clear protective sheet (I don't know the official name for it). Then the whole thing is mounted in the regular hard plastic slide mount. When you look at the assembled mounted slide, you can't immediately tell that the slide in it is actually protected by the clear plastic sheet. I'm no expert on slides. I never shot or mounted any myself. These are some old family slides, that I'm trying to scan. I've actually scanned a lot of the slides as they were and didn't realize that the slide inside actually has this protective sheet around it. I don't know if this is how it's supposed to be, if so, should I unmount the slide, then remove the plastic from around it and then scan it. That would be a lot of work, but I would do it if it's worth it. It's probably good that slides were protected this way over the years.
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Could it be that you have some old glass mounted slides? Some protective glass had an etched surface that may look like it is plastic if you have never seen one before. If this is the case, I would buy a box of new glass-less mounts, and re-mount the slides before scanning them. With care, it's quite simple to do.
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